Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

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June 29, 2021

RTD Rail Regional Trail Master Planning Process update – June 2021

Staff continues analysis and work on potential trail options

Good afternoon RTD Rail Trail subscribers,

We are writing to provide an update on the RTD Rail Trail project. As a reminder, Boulder County is conducting a master planning process for a potential regional trail linking Boulder and Erie.

Key elements of the master planning process are to reach as many connected stakeholders as possible, identify a broad range of potential trail options, and have a good understanding of the benefits and impacts a trail could have.

It’s our goal to be responsive to new information, additional stakeholders, and potential impacts we have learned about. In order to do so, we’re committed to do more analysis of environmental and wildlife impacts, consider additional routes (not within the RTD rail corridor), and engage with Native American tribes and community members.

The real value is that this will result in a stronger project that will better address community and environmental interests and concerns. In order to do so, we’ll be adjusting our schedule and work plan. An updated project schedule will be posted on the project webpage soon.

We’re excited about the opportunity to strengthen the project and wanted to keep you updated. To provide input to the project team, please use the project comment form.


The proposed regional trail from Boulder to Erie was identified in the county’s regional trails prioritization process in 2003 and is eligible for funding through the Countywide Sales Tax Ballot passed by voters in 2007.

The former Union Pacific Rail line corridor between Boulder and Erie is now owned by the Regional Transportation District (RTD). RTD is supportive of Boulder County using the rail corridor for a multi-use trail. A multitude of community groups are supportive of the proposal, including cyclists, runners, walkers, equestrians, commuters and recreationalists.

For more information, please visit the project webpage.