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September 29, 2020

Rise in new COVID-19 cases identified across age groups

Rise in new COVID-19 cases identified across age groups

Boulder County, CO – Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) reported today there are initial signs that Boulder County may be following the current statewide trend of an increase in new cases of COVID-19 among all age groups.

“Although we have seen a downward trend in the number of new cases among 18-22-year-old residents over the last week, we are seeing increases in cases in all other age groups,” said Jeff Zayach, Boulder County Public Health executive director. “This downward trend in the 18-22-year-old age group is a good indication that the strategies we’ve implemented are starting to work.”

As of yesterday, 4,440 Boulder County residents have tested positive or were considered probable for COVID-19.

“This is a heads-up to the community to remain diligent in following personal steps to protect themselves,” said Zayach. “While the number of new cases in each age group remain low, this increase is concerning. I want to stress how critically important it is for each and every individual in the community to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by socially distancing, wearing a face covering, limiting gatherings, and staying home when sick.”

The increase in new cases across all age groups, in addition to the outbreak among residents aged 18-22 years, can affect the extent to which businesses in the county can be open. Occupancy limits for businesses within Boulder County, including whether certain businesses may remain open, are based on the number of new cases, the positivity percentage, and hospitalization rates.

Boulder County is currently in the “red” zone for new cases, with more than 350 cases per 100,000, and the positivity rate is in the “yellow” zone between 5% and 10%. Currently, Boulder County is at Safer at Home – Level 2.

BCPH will submit a formal mitigation plan to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) on Sept. 30, including any evidence of results from community mitigation efforts like the recent Gathering and Stay-at-Home Public Health Order. On Oct. 1, CDPHE and BCPH will meet to determine if any additional mitigation measures, including additional orders or further gathering restrictions, may be necessary to stop the rise of COVID-19 cases in the community.

If the mitigation strategies are effective, it is not anticipated that either part or all of Boulder County will be allowed or required to move to another level on the dial before Oct. 14.