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News Archive

June 7, 2024

Review and Provide Feedback on the Boulder County Community Wildfire Protection Plan Update

Comments on the Draft Update Will be Accepted Through June 21

Key Points

  • Boulder County has completed the draft Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) update.
  • The draft plan was collaboratively developed to identify values at risk; assess wildfire risk to life, property, and the landscape; and provide project recommendations for improving wildfire resilience and response.
  • View the draft CWPP and submit comments through June 21.

Boulder County, Colo. - Public comments are sought for the review of the Boulder County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) update. Download the draft CWPP and submit comments through June 21.

The CWPP provides a means for Boulder County to evaluate current conditions with regard to wildfire risks and hazards. Boulder County would like feedback on the draft plan to ensure it meets the needs of the community and effectively addresses public concerns.

The plan was collaboratively developed with public input, community groups, and emergency planning and response personnel to improve wildfire preparedness and identify way for reducing risk throughout the county. The draft CWPP identifies wildfire risks specific to east and west Boulder County and in the wildland-urban interface, which refers to the area between wildland and human development.

A major component of the CWPP update is recommendations for strategies to reduce hazardous wildfire fuels and structural ignitability, to engage and educate the public, and find opportunities to improve fire response capabilities. The CWPP will serve as a guiding document that will help Boulder County and landowners make informed decisions about wildfire preparation and management.

The current Boulder County CWPP was completed in 2011. Boulder County began the process of creating an updated CWPP in the spring of 2023.

Project Contact

For more information, contact Meg Halford, Wildfire Team Forest and Grasslands Project Coordinator, at or 720-564-2843.

DRAFT 2024 Boulder County CWPP cover image