Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

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September 1, 2022

Public Meeting and Comment Period on Proposed Land Use Code Update DC-22-0002: Accessory Solar Energy Systems

Register to attend Sept. 22 virtual public meeting

Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting is hosting an information session on Thursday, September 22 on proposed Land Use Code update Docket DC-22-0002: Accessory ground mounted Solar Energy Systems. The proposed text amendments would allow an Accessory Solar Energy System to be constructed without Site Plan Review Waiver (SPRW), if certain parameters are met.

Online Information Session: September 22

On Thursday, September 22, 2022 from 3 to 4:30 p.m., Boulder County will host an online information session. This meeting will include a presentation and overview of the proposed draft amendments for Accessory Solar Energy Systems (1 hour), a Q&A period (15 minutes), and next steps (15 minutes).

What: Virtual Community Meeting to review proposed changes to the Land Use Code related to Accessory Solar Energy Systems
Who: Current and potential future Boulder County residents, and professionals working with residents to construct Accessory Solar Energy Systems
When: Thursday, September 22, from 3-4:30 p.m.
Where: Virtual meeting via Zoom. Register to attend at

Registration is required, but participants can register at any time, including after the meeting has started. To participate over the phone dial 833-568-8864 (toll free) and input the webinar ID: 160 090 8326

For those not able to attend live, the meeting will be recorded and posted online.

Public Comment Period: September 1-28

The public is invited to provide written comments on the draft Land Use Code text amendments until September 28. Comments may be emailed to, or mailed to Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting, PO Box 471, Boulder, CO 80306.

Comments will be part of the public record and will be considered by staff in drafting the final recommended amendment text and will be provided to the Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners for their consideration.


On April 26, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners authorized staff to pursue text amendments to the Land Use Code regarding Accessory Solar Energy Systems. The intent of the project is to provide a set of prescriptive parameters to allow the development of ground mounted Accessory Solar Energy Systems without a land use review (Site Plan Review Waiver) to streamline the process while continuing to mitigate the impacts of solar development.

The Boulder County Land Use Code applies to the unincorporated portions of Boulder County, not in incorporated cities and towns.

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