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April 12, 2023

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Public Hearing: 119 Bikeway and the Safety and Mobility Improvements Project

Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Public Hearing: Docket SI-22-0002: CO 119 Safety and Mobility and Bikeway Projects – Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.

Boulder County, Colo. - The Board of County Commissioners is holding a public hearing on the 119 Bikeway and the Safety and Mobility Improvements Project. Anyone interested in the project is requested to attend the hearing to aid the Commissioners in their consideration of the project.

The hearing will be held on Thursday, April 20 at 9:30 a.m. in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder. View information on how to attend or participate via Zoom.

On March 15, 2023, the Boulder County Planning Commission held a public hearing on Docket SI-22-0002. The Planning Commission recommended that the Board of County Commissioners approve the project with the staff conditions. View the recording of the meeting.

Boulder County staff reviewed the project details and determined that the 119 Bikeway and the Safety and Mobility Improvements Projects do not pose a hazard to any aspect of the environment listed in the Areas and Activities of State Interest (1041) Review and that the projects will support and help achieve many goals in the County Comprehensive Plan including (but not limited to):

  • Air quality goals; Public Health Goal 1.01
  • Open Space and Nature; Public Health Goal 2.01
  • Multimodal transportation; Public Health Goal 3.04
  • Address Climate Change; Public Health Goal 7
  • Provide a Multimodal Transportation System; Transportation Goal 1
  • Design Complete Corridors; Transportation Goal 1.02
  • Enhancing the bicycle and pedestrian network; Transportation Goal 1.03
  • Establishing Connections to Development; Transportation Goal 1.05
  • Support fast, frequent, affordable, and reliable transit service between communities; Transportation Goal 1.06
  • A transportation system that moves people safely and effectively independent of an assumed mode of travel; Transportation Goal 4
  • Ensure Transportation System Access for Low-Income, Elderly, & Mobility Impaired Populations; Transportation Goal 9


The 119 Bikeway and Safety & Mobility Projects team submitted an Areas and Activities of State Interest application to Boulder County in Dec 2022. This application is also known as a 1041 Review. View more information and public meeting information on the Docket SI-22-0002: Safety and Mobility and Bikeway Projects webpage.

The purpose of the review is to ensure that all design and construction planned for the 119 Bikeway and the Safety and Mobility Improvements Project are in agreement with Boulder County’s Comprehensive Plan.

The 1041 review will assess all the environmental documentation and other details already collected and confirm that it does not conflict with the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan (BCCP). The Comprehensive plan was developed to respond to the widely accepted principle that the myriad of future land use decisions affecting the county’s lands should be made in a coordinated and responsible manner.

This application/review allows the Boulder County Planning Commission and the County Commissioners to conduct public hearings and review the application according to the criteria in the Code. At that time, all public input, including emails opposing the project, will be made a part of the record of the 1041 docket and considered by the Planning Commission and the County Commissioners as a part of their decision-making processes.