Docket SI-22-0002: CO 119 Safety and Mobility and Bikeway Projects
Boulder County, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), and the Regional Transportation District (RTD) have proposed safety and mobility improvement modifications and the construction of a bikeway along Colorado Highway 119 (“CO 119”) between the City of Boulder and the City of Longmont. The project sponsors submitted a Areas and Activities of State Interest (1041) Review application for the project, which was conditionally approved by the Board of County Commissioners on April 20, 2023.
Past Public Meetings & Hearings
Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Public Hearing: Docket SI-22-0002: CO 119 Safety and Mobility and Bikeway Projects – April 20, 2023
Areas and Activities of State Interest (1041) Review for combined projects along Colorado Highway 119 (CO 119) related to safety and mobility improvements and construction of a bikeway from approximately 47th Street/Foothills Parkway in the City of Boulder to milepost 54.2 in the City of Longmont. The project is submitted by Colorado Department of Transportation c/o Adnana Murtic and Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting c/o Stacy Proctor, and Regional Transportation District c/o Ali Imansepahi (applicants) and is in the Agricultural, Rural Residential, Commercial, Light Industrial, Niwot Rural Community Districts I and II at Colorado Highway 119 (CO 119) from approximately 47th Street/Foothills Parkway, Boulder, to milepost 54.2, Longmont, in Sections 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, and 16 of T1N, R70W; Sections 25, 35, and 36 of T2N, R70W; and Sections 17, 19, 20, and 30 of T2N, R69W. After presentation by staff, public testimony, and deliberation the Board of County Commissioners voted (3-0) to conditionally approve the docket.
For more information view:
- April 20, 2023 meeting agenda and video
- Boulder County Areas and Activities of State Interest (1041) Review webpage
- Docket SI-22-0002: CO 119 Safety and Mobility and Bikeway Projects docket webpage
Planning Commission Public Hearing, March 15, 2023
On March 15, 2023, staff presented Docket SI-22-0002 to the Boulder County Planning Commission. After a presentation by staff, public testimony and deliberation, the Planning Commission voted (5-0) to recommend that the Board of County Commissioners Conditionally approve Docket SI-22-0002.
For more information view:
Background of Colorado’s “1041 Powers” or “1041 Regulations”
Colorado law grants “1041 powers” to local governments to identify, designate, and regulate areas and activities of state interest through a local permitting process. The general intention of these powers is to allow for local governments to ensure development projects are in conformance with the local Comprehensive Plan, even where the development project has statewide impacts.
For more information view:
A 1041 review would allow the Boulder County Planning Commission and the County Commissioners to conduct public hearings and review the application according to the criteria in the Code. At that time, all public input, including comments opposing the project, will be made a part of the record of the 1041 docket and considered by the Planning Commission and the County Commissioners as a part of their decision-making processes.
Project Description
The Colorado Highway 119 (CO 119) Multi-Modal Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study established a multimodal corridor vision and identified numerous project elements that CO 119 local agency stakeholders are advancing as separate but coordinated projects. CDOT and RTD are leading the CO 119 Safety and Mobility Improvements Project (Mobility Project). Boulder County is leading the CO 119 Bikeway Project (Bikeway Project). The applicants have submitted the Areas and Activities of State Interest (1041) application as a combined effort for both projects.
For the purposes of this 1041 application, both projects (i.e., Mobility Project and Bikeway Project), will collectively be referred to as the “Project”. The Project is located along the CO 119 corridor between Longmont and Boulder, often referred to as the Diagonal corridor. The Applicants propose to begin construction of the Project in 2024.
The Mobility Project will create a more reliable and equitable regional transportation system by incorporating safe, efficient vehicular travel choices, with enhanced transit infrastructure. By 2040, the CO 119 corridor is projected to see a 25 percent increase in vehicular traffic. Increased traffic can result in more congestion, delay, accidents, and greenhouse gas emissions. The Mobility Project intersection improvements address many key infrastructure deficiencies that will foster a safer driving environment. By adding a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, it provides an opportunity to use CDOT’s new Adaptive Signal Control System to reduce queues and alleviate recurring congestion. This will address the pattern of congestion-related crashes due to speed differential times for emergency services. Upgrades to the signal equipment, including proven safety countermeasures (e.g., highly reflective backplates and adjustments to the clearance intervals) and additional features (e.g., dynamic signal warning systems) will improve signal visibility, reducing crashes. The Mobility Project intersection and transit improvements are located entirely within CDOT right-of-way (ROW).
The Bikeway Project adds a safe active transportation option within the CO 119 corridor, which is critical to increase connectivity. The bikeway is a proposed 12-foot-wide multi-use path between Boulder and Longmont primarily within the median of CO 119. The bikeway will be paved and plowed in the winter to facilitate year-round use. The goal of the bikeway is to create a safe, direct, and accessible bicycle facility. The 9-mile facility will connect into the existing multi-use path networks within the City of Boulder and the City of Longmont. The Bikeway Project will require easements within the Cities of Boulder and Longmont as well as a small section within unincorporated Boulder County.
CO 119 Project Corridor

CO 119 Project Corridor map