July 2, 2019
Online Speaker Sign-Up Now Available for July 16 Oil and Gas Temporary Moratorium Public Hearing
Boulder County, Colo. - The commissioners will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 16 at 4 p.m. to accept public testimony and to make any changes to the temporary moratorium that may be necessary. At the public hearing, staff will provide more information about the time needed to complete the requested research into public health and safety protections allowable under SB19-181 and to develop the proposed regulations.
Based on that information and public testimony, the BOCC will then determine whether to extend, terminate, or further amend the temporary moratorium.
- What: Board of County Commissioners’ Public Hearing to take testimony on the merits of the temporary moratorium on oil and gas development applications and seismic testing in unincorporated Boulder County and to determine whether the moratorium should be extended, terminated, or further amended.
- When: Tuesday, July 16 at 4 p.m.
- Where: Boulder County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl St., Third Floor, Boulder (map)
- Webstream: Open Meeting Portal
Online Speaker Sign-Up is Now Available
The online sign-up forms for individual and pooled-time speakers are available at https://www.boco.org/OilGas.
Speakers will be organized in the order their online entry is received. The assigned speaking times will be posted after noon on July 15 at www.boco.org/OilGas.
- Assigned time slots are approximate and speakers must be present when they are called to speak. Limit 3 minutes per speaker. Pooled time is also available up to 10 minutes.*
- Those wishing to sign up for pooled time will need to include the names and addresses for anyone donating time to the designated pool speaker.
- Anyone who misses their appointed speaking time will be added to the end of the list.
- The public testimony part of the hearing is expected to begin at approximately 4:30 p.m. (following a presentation by staff and questions by the Board). Speaking times will be assigned in order of online sign-ups followed by any in-person sign-ups.
- In-person sign-ups will be taken on the day of the hearing starting at 3:30 p.m. (30 minutes in advance of the hearing), and will be placed at the end of the speaker list following online sign-ups.
*Speaking Time Limits:
- 3 minutes for 1 person (individual speaker)
- 6 minutes for 2 people pooling (pooled time speaker plus one additional listed)
- 9 minutes for 3 people pooling (pooled time speaker plus two additional listed)
- 10 minutes for 4 people pooling (pooled time speaker plus three additional listed)
Other Ways to Comment
In-Person Speaking: Members of the public will be able to speak at the hearing whether or not they have signed up online in advance of the hearing. The county commissioners will continue to take public testimony at the hearing until all speakers have had an opportunity to comment.
Written comments may be submitted to oilgascomment@bouldercounty.org or mailed to the Boulder County Commissioners’ Office, P.O. Box 471, Boulder, CO 80306. Comments must be received by 8 a.m. on Monday, July 15 in order to be considered by the Board of County Commissioners prior to the July 16 public hearing.
Email or Text Updates on Land Use Code Updates and News
For updates and information about the county’s role in oil and gas development, visit the county’s Oil and Gas Development webpage. Notices of future meeting and hearings will also be sent to the county’s Oil and Gas News list (signup via email or mobile number).