Stage 1 fire restrictions, enacted for unincorporated areas of western Boulder County.

News Archive
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February 15, 2019

Online Registration Available to Sign-Up to Speak at the Feb. 20 Planning Commission Public Hearing on Niwot NRCD Amendments

Planning Commission public hearing is Wednesday, Feb. 20 in Boulder

The Boulder County Planning Commission will consider proposed text amendments to amend the County’s Land Use Code Article 4-116 Niwot Rural Community District and related provisions on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2019. Advance online sign-ups for anyone wishing to speak at the hearing is available at

What: Planning Commission Public Hearing
When: Wednesday, Feb. 20. The Planning Commission meeting begins at 1:30 p.m., and the NRCD item is the third item on the agenda. The ESTIMATED start time of the NRCD agenda item is 3 p.m., but it could be earlier or later depending on the length of the earlier agenda items. View the Planning Commission agenda.
Where: Commissioners’ Hearing Room, Boulder County Courthouse, Third Floor, 1325 Pearl St., Boulder (map)
Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners
Staff Planners: Dale Case, Denise Grimm
Documents: The staff report will be available seven days before the hearing, and will be posted on the DC-18-0004 webpage.

Hearing Details: This is a Public Hearing for the Planning Commission to consider proposed text amendments to amend the County’s Land Use Code Article 4-116 Niwot Rural Community District and related provisions. Public testimony will be taken. The hearing will be livestreamed via the Public Meetings, Hearings, Records & Video Archives webpage.

Online Speaker Sign-Up is Available:

The online sign-up forms for individual and pooled-time speakers are available at at


  • Speakers will be organized in the order their online entry is received. The list of assigned speaking times will be posted at noon on Feb. 13 at and will be updated at noon on Feb. 20.
  • Assigned time slots are approximate and speakers must be present when they are called to speak. Limit 3 minutes per speaker. Pooled time is also available up to 10 minutes.*
  • Anyone who misses their appointed speaking time will be added to the end of the list.
  • The public testimony part of the hearing is ESTIMATED begin at 3:30 p.m. (following staff presentation). Speaking times will be assigned in order of online sign-ups.
  • Those wishing to sign up for pooled time will need to include the names and addresses for anyone donating time to the pool at the time of sign-up.

*Speaking Times:

  • 3 minutes for 1 person (individual speaker)
  • 6 minutes for 2 people pooling (pooled time speaker plus one additional listed)
  • 9 minutes for 3 people pooling (pooled time speaker plus two additional listed)
  • 10 minutes for 4 people pooling (pooled time speaker plus three additional listed)

Other Ways to Comment

In-Person Speaker Sign-ups: Members of the public will be able to speak at the hearing whether or not they have signed up online in advance of the hearing. In-person speaker sign-ups will be taken beginning at 1 p.m. on Feb. 20 and will include individual speakers and pooled-time speakers. The Planning Commission will continue to take public testimony until all speakers have had an opportunity to comment.

Written comments may be submitted through the online NRCD Comment Form or mailed to the Land Use Dept., P.O. Box 471, Boulder, CO 80306 by 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 19 in order to be considered by the Planning Commission prior to the Feb. 20 public hearing.