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July 13, 2022

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Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Olde Stage Road paving project starts Monday

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Olde Stage Road paving project starts Monday

Expect lane closures and travel delays through October

Boulder County, Colo. - The Public Works Department and Asphalt Specialties Co, Inc. will begin a repaving project on Olde Stage Road between Lee Hill and Lefthand Canyon drives on Monday, July 18. Work will take place between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The project is expected to last into October.

In addition to repaving the entire stretch of Olde Stage Road, work will include the widening of the southern portion of the road so that a four-foot shoulder can be installed in the uphill lane that will provide more room for cyclists, pedestrians, emergency services providers, and disabled vehicles. Drainage improvements will also be installed.

Travel Impacts

Olde Stage Road will be reduced to a single lane in multiple sections during daytime, weekday working hours, which will result in travel delays of up-to 15-minutes. In addition, the old asphalt surface will be milled, so the roadway will be in less than ideal travel conditions and speeds will need to be reduced. Cyclists may consider avoiding Olde Stage Road during this construction project.

Driveways may be inaccessible for up-to 30-minutes during paving as asphalt must be allowed to cool before it can be safely crossed by motor vehicles. Crews will coordinate with homeowners during the project.

This is the final phase of a larger Olde Stage Road reconstruction project that included the creation of two large retaining walls and the replacement of a culvert at Six Mile Creek with a larger and stronger structure that will accommodate larger flows during potential flood events.

Learn more by visiting the project website at, or contact Andrew Barth, Public Works Communications, at or call 303-441-1032.

Olde Stage Road looking south pre-project