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March 30, 2023

NEWS: Gross Reservoir Community Advisory Working Group selected

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Looking across Gross Dam Rd. to the white service tent of the Gross Dam Expansion project

Gross Reservoir Community Advisory Working Group members

March 30, 2023

Dear Gross Reservoir Community Members,

Thank you for your ongoing interest in the Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund and the selection of the Gross Reservoir Community Advisory Working Group.

Earlier this month, we reached out to the community to solicit applications from individuals interested in serving on the Gross Reservoir Community Advisory Working Group. After careful consideration, 12 community members were selected for the working group (see chart below for the list of members). Thank you to everyone who took the time to apply!

The purpose of the working group is to weigh different scenarios, interests, and collective impacts from both a scientific and subjective standpoint and to make recommendations to Boulder County about what the community feels is the most equitable and fair way to distribute money from the Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund (the Fund).

The intent of this open, public dialogue, facilitated by Peak Facilitation and Boulder County, is to create an inclusive, organized, and transparent process for working group members to develop recommendations for the Boulder County Commissioners to consider as to how best to distribute the first round of payouts from the Fund.

We invite all members of the community to follow the work of the advisory working group and to provide feedback and input into the process as we hold three advisory working group meetings (4/6, 4/26, 5/16) and a community meeting on Saturday, April 29, where residents will get a chance to ask questions and provide comments directly to the Boulder County Commissioners.

Advance notice of the meeting dates will be distributed through this newsletter and posted on the webpage.

We look forward to hearing from you, either in person or virtually, in the weeks ahead.


Barb Halpin
Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund Coordinator

red divider line thin

Working Group Selection

A team comprised of Boulder County and Peak Facilitation staff used a rigorous evaluation process to select the 12 working group members (an optimal number for an effective advisory group) out of a total of 21 applicants During the selection process, geographic representation was a primary focus to ensure that critical perspectives from various locations throughout the impacted area would be included in the process. Additionally, alignment with the purpose and structure of the working group, relevant experience, and availability for meetings were other criteria for consideration.

Working Group Members (by name and geographic location)

Chris Passarelli
Coal Creek Canyon Drive

Sunday Antley
Chute Road/ Juniper Heights

Mary Hainstock
Flagstaff Road/Pika

John Stevens
Gross Dam Road

Anna McDermott
Lakeshore/ North Shore

Ed Wiegand
Lakeshore/ North Shore

Katrina Harms
Lazy Z/ Bonnie Road

Don Ferguson

Jennifer Macoskey
North of SH 72/View of GDE project

Brian Campbell
SH 72 and Gross Dam Road intersection

Paul Ewald
South of SH 72

John Gleason
Tunnel Road 19/ Lichen Lane

A big thank you to this group of volunteers for lending their experience, time, and energy to this important community undertaking!

1st Advisory Working Group Meeting – 5:30 p.m., Thursday, April 6

The first working group meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 6, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The in-person portion of the meeting will take place at the Coal Creek Canyon Improvement Association (CCCIA). The virtual portion will take place on Zoom.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the working group meetings for observation. We will not take verbal comments during the meetings to maximize the time the working group has together. However, members of the public will have the ability to provide written comments during working group meetings. The facilitation team will capture all comments in the meeting summaries.

Additionally, community members will have the opportunity to provide input during a Community Meeting with the Boulder County Commissioners on Saturday, April 29, from 1:30 pm to 3 p.m. at the CCCIA. This community meeting is an opportunity for residents to provide feedback. Working group members will consider the feedback gathered during this meeting as they develop final recommendations for the Boulder County Commissioners.

More information about the working group process and community engagement opportunities will be forthcoming.

April 6 Zoom Meeting Information (Hybrid In-Person/Virtual option)

  • What: 1st meeting of the Community Advisory Working Group Meeting
  • When: Thursday, April 6, 2023 05:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
  • Topic: Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund


  • Coal Creek Canyon Improvement Association, 31528 CO-72, Golden, CO 80403
    (Members of the public are invited to attend and observe the working group)


  • If logging in through a Zoom subscription account, enter passcode: 612121

Or call in (audio only):

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If you have questions of Boulder County about the Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund, please email Feel free to forward this email to anyone else who may benefit from the contents.

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Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund website at:

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