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News Archive

November 6, 2024

New Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Unincorporated Boulder County

FEMA updated the Flood Insurance Rate Maps for unincorporated Boulder County effective October 24, 2024

Boulder County, Colo. - On October 24, 2024, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) updated the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for unincorporated Boulder County. The FIRMs were updated to reflect new flood hazard mapping completed by the Colorado Water Conservation Board following the 2013 flood event.

Boulder County locally adopted the new flood hazard data beginning in 2017 and has already been regulating the updated flood zones for development purposes. On October 24, 2024 the new flood hazard zones will also be used for flood insurance purposes.

The locally-adopted Boulder County Floodplain map has also been updated to align with the new FIRMs. Specifically, Boulder County Floodplain was removed for streams included in the new flood study, in accordance with comprehensive zoning map amendments approved by the Board of County Commissioners in Docket Z-23-0001.

Taken together, the map changes result in no new area being added to the county’s Floodplain Overlay District, which is comprised of both the FEMA FIRMs and the Boulder County Floodplain. Approximately 1,800 acres have been removed from the regulatory 1%-annual-chance (100-year) floodplain compared to the previous FIRMs.

The FIRMs will continue to be updated into 2025 as flood recovery projects are incorporated into the new maps. Future revisions will reflect county road work on Fourmile Canyon Drive, James Canyon Drive, Wagonwheel Gap Road, Gold Run Road, and more than 20 other stream restoration and infrastructure projects.

The comment and appeal periods for the new maps closed in 2021. Changes to the new FIRMs must be pursued through FEMA’s map change processes.

Flood Insurance

Everyone in Boulder County can buy flood insurance, regardless of flood zone. Nearly one-third of flood insurance claims come from outside the 100-year floodplain. Property owners, renters, and business owners are strongly encouraged to visit FEMA’s Flood Insurance website or contact their insurance agent to discuss flood insurance today.

Owners of buildings within the FEMA 1%-annual-chance (100-year) floodplain who hold a federally regulated mortgage are required by law to maintain flood insurance. This is called the “mandatory purchase requirement.” With the change to the FIRMs, some homeowners may now be required to maintain insurance by their lender or may no longer be subject to the mandatory purchase requirement. Note that lenders can require flood insurance regardless of flood zone.

As of 2021, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) no longer uses flood zone for rating (i.e., determining premiums). All Boulder County residents receive a 25% discount on NFIP flood insurance policies due to the county’s participation in the Community Rating System.

If you have questions or would like to confirm the effective flood zones for property in unincorporated Boulder County, contact the Boulder County Floodplain Program at or 720-564-2652.

Boulder County Official Regulatory Floodplain Map image

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