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May 2, 2019

May 30 joint study session scheduled for Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Housing & Economics Elements update

Public input requested on the Housing and the Economics Elements updates

Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Land Use Department staff is working to update both the Housing and the Economics Elements of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan (BCCP) in dockets BCCP-18-0004 and BCCP-18-0005.

A joint Board of County Commissioners and Planning Commission study session will be held on May 30, 2019. Staff will present draft policy language and topics for consideration to the Board of County Commissioners and Planning Commission. Staff will cover outcomes from public outreach efforts to date, as well as review example comprehensive plan policies from peer jurisdictions.

What: Joint Board of County Commissioners and Planning Commission study session
When: 2 p.m. Thursday, May 30, 2019
Location: Commissioners’ Hearing Room, Boulder County Courthouse, Third Floor, 1325 Pearl St., Boulder

Feedback from the study session will inform staff’s revision of policy language. The study session will include a public comment period.

Housing topics include:

  • diversity of housing choice
  • preservation of existing housing stock
  • the nexus between transportation and housing
  • agricultural worker housing
  • housing for seniors and vulnerable populations

Economics topics include:

  • recreation
  • tourism
  • preservation of rural character
  • public/private partnerships
  • agriculture
  • economic viability


The current Housing and Economics Elements of the BCCP are from 1983 and 1987, respectively. Both elements can benefit from a review and update to reflect the county’s policy vision in light of current conditions. The existing elements can be found on the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan webpage.

A series of open houses and community group meetings were held over the fall and winter to provide information on the updates and gather community input.

Share Your Thoughts

Boulder County is seeking public input to shape the Comprehensive Plan related to housing and economics. The public is encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas for both elements via an online comment submission form on the project webpage. Comments will be accepted through the form for the duration of the update process.

For more information, contact Christy Wiseman at or 720-564-2623.