Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

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October 13, 2023

Marshall Fire Recovery Newsletter – Oct. 13, 2023

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Boulder County Marshall Fire Recovery Newsletter

View the Marshall Fire Recovery Dashboard for the latest data

Recovery Navigation Program to end by March 31, 2024 – Intake closing Dec. 1, 2023

people standing in lobby of office talking

The Navigating Disaster for Boulder County program, which provided Recovery Navigators to help residents impacted by the Marshall Fire and Straight-Line Wind Event navigate the recovery and rebuilding process, will end by March 31, 2024. The Navigating Disaster program has provided one-on-one short and long-term support to 430 disaster-impacted residents since July 2022. To ensure the ability to provide meaningful support, including referrals to legal and insurance providers, comprehensive recovery planning resources, financial resources, and mental health services, Recovery Navigators will conclude intake on Dec. 1, 2023. Get more details.

Information on trash, weeds, vehicles, etc. on vacant lots in the unincorporated Marshall Fire impacted area

dirt lot where house once stood

Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting (CP&P) has received some inquiries from the community about trash, weeds, vehicles, etc. on vacant lots in the unincorporated areas of the Marshall Fire impacted area. It is important for property owners to maintain these vacant lots in order to reduce hazards, mitigate wildfire risk, address health and safety issues, and out of respect for neighbors and the community. Maintaining these vacant properties also keeps property owners in compliance with county regulations. Learn more about vacant lot violations.

Volunteers help repair manufactured homes

crews with tools walking towards mobile homes

The high winds of the Marshall Fire and Straight Line Winds disaster damaged over 400 manufactured homes throughout Boulder County leaving many of them uninhabitable or severely damaged, leaking and exposed to the elements and natural forces.

Marshall ROC, together with 40 volunteers from Mennonite Disaster Services and the Amish Communities of Colorado, helped repair 20 homes in the Sans Souci and Table Mesa manufactured home communities Oct. 4-5. Volunteers repaired and replaced roofs, skirting and windows, and installed insulation to help secure the homes from additional wind and water damage, and to help keep residents dry and safe. Supplies were primarily purchased with grant funds from MROC, with additional funds from the City of Boulder and Boulder County's Office of Sustainability Climate Action and Resilience (OSCAR). The coordination for this project was led by MROC, with support from City of Boulder, OSCAR, and Mennonite Disaster Services. Boulder County worked to support the planning, permitting and disaster recovery efforts. Recovery Navigators from Lutheran Family Services, United Methodist Committee on Relief and Boulder County Community liaisons worked with homeowners to help determine the repairs needed.

Over 400 fire survivors attend Marshall ROC's Marshall Fire Moving Forward Event

Marshall ROC staff at the funding fair

Marshall ROC, the Colorado State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), and 35 disaster recovery partners, funders, government agencies and municipalities, recovery navigators, and nonprofit organizations collaborated to present a communitywide event Oct. 7 focused on providing the most up-to-date information on funding and recovery and rebuilding resources. There were over 425 fire survivors who attended the event, representing 340 survivor households, as well as 125 organizational staff and community volunteers supporting the event. Get more details and a link to the presentations.

Colorado Congressman Joe Neguse tours rebuilding efforts

Joe Neguse and Democratic Whip Katherine Clark on a tour of the rebuilding effort

Colorado Congressman Joe Neguse joined other leaders, including Democratic Whip Katherine Clark, on a tour of the rebuilding effort of areas destroyed by the Marshall Fire on Friday. The tour showcases the need for continued support in the recovery effort nearly two years later. Several homeowners who lost their homes detailed their experiences and challenges with rebuilding. View the whole story on CBS Colorado.

Mental and emotional help continues to be available

two men sitting on bench outside, one has his arm around the other

Mental Health Partners (on-going counseling): To access counseling services and crisis support, you can call 303-545-0852 or email View a list of additional community resources.

Jewish Family Service and Community Foundation Boulder County (on-going counseling): Jewish Family Service and Community Foundation Boulder County continue to offer Boulder County Crisis Counseling to residents. The program offers 10 free individual or family counseling sessions and provides a pool of more than 250 licensed providers from which to choose. Get additional details about Boulder County Crisis Counseling services.

Upcoming Meetings

Survivor to Survivor ForumTuesday, Oct. 17, 8 p.m.Zoom – registration required

Disaster Preparedness for the Equine CommunitySaturday, Oct. 21, noon to 3:30 p.m.Colorado Horse Rescue 10386 N. 65th St., LongmontRegistration required

Celebrate Our Recovery with Marshall TogetherSaturday, Oct. 21, 3-5 p.m.Bambei Brewing, 100 Superior Plaza Way Suite 102, SuperiorRSVP

Disaster Preparedness BasicsTuesday, Nov. 14, 6-7 p.m.North Boulder Recreation Center, Multi Purpose Room, 3170 BroadwayRegistration required

View all Meetings


Mental Health Resources

Recovery Navigators

List of Builders

Rebates, Discounts, and Incentives

Boulder County Rebuilding Better

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The latest information and resources are located on the Boulder County Marshall Fire Recovery website or contact Katie Arrington, Assistant Recovery Manager for Boulder County,