Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

News Archive
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June 8, 2023

Marshall Fire Investigation: A Statement from the Boulder County Commissioners

Today (Thursday) the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office and Boulder County District Attorney’s Office shared the outcome of their 17-month investigation into the cause of the Marshall Fire. The Sheriff’s Office and District Attorney worked in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and many experts to determine how and where the fire started and whether criminal charges were warranted. After an extensive investigation, they determined the fire originated at two unrelated locations and that no criminal charges were warranted. The full details of the investigation are available on the Sheriff’s Office website. Recordings of the press conference in English and Spanish will be available on the website later today.

The Boulder County Commissioners are grateful to the detectives and many experts who worked diligently to determine the origin of this devasting fire and to Sheriff Curtis Johnson, DA Michael Dougherty, and former Sheriff Joe Pelle for their leadership. Our community has suffered deep trauma from the Marshall Fire, which will take many years to heal from, and we recognize that today’s announcement may very well not bring about the closure that many community members are looking for. We know that the community has many questions and we appreciate the Sheriff’s Office making the reports and evidence available on their website in the interest of openness and transparency.

In the face of this tragedy, our community came together to recover and rebuild. That process started before today’s announcement and that process continues after today. But we should each take a moment to reflect on our own mental health and how today’s announcement has affected us. Knowing the cause and origin of the fire may provide closure for some, while more anguish for others. Let’s continue to offer support to one another and heal together.

2023 Board of County Commissioners signatures Claire Levy, Marta Loachamin, Ashley Stolzmann

Mental Health Services

Today, and in the coming days and weeks, many mental/emotional health partners are providing in-person events in our community. You can find the full details on the county’s website.

If you feel that you need additional support, professional assistance continues to be available:

Mental Health PartnersTo access counseling services and crisis support, you can call 303-545-0852 or email View a list of additional community resources.

Jewish Family Service and Community Foundation Boulder County Jewish Family Service and Community Foundation Boulder County offer Boulder County Crisis Counseling to residents. The program offers 10 free individual or family counseling sessions and provides a pool of more than 250 licensed providers from which to choose. Get additional details about the program.

Additionally, there are many things you can do to protect the emotional well-being of yourself and others.

Ongoing Recovery

Boulder County continues to support the community through the recovery and rebuilding process. To find out more, visit the county’s website.

Collage of all three Boulder County Commissioners