Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

News Archive
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June 19, 2019

Lower Fourmile Canyon Drive Flood Recovery Project Update

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Here is the anticipated work plan for Lower Fourmile Canyon Drive over the next three weeks:

Work will continue at the two retaining wall sites in the upper section of the project above Logan Mill Road.

On Monday, stone masons will begin applying rock to retaining wall faces in the lower section, between SH 119 and Poorman. This work require reducing the road to one lane in the work area so they have room to stage and cut rock material. Flaggers will be used to move travelers safely by this zone. The road will only be reduced to one lane between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Expect this activity to take place through July.

With the addition of the work zone in the lower portion, there will be three locations requiring the use of flaggers during the day. Total delays are not to exceed 15-minutes from top to bottom. Our inspectors will be doing their best to enforce that requirement.

There is a substantial amount of transportation activity taking place throughout the canyon. It is imperative that everyone be mindful of their surroundings when traveling through the area. Please obey all traffic signals and flagger commands. A Boulder County Sheriff's Deputy remains staged in the area during working hours. They will be ticketing unsafe driving, speeding, and the non-residential cycling restrictions.

Boulder Canyon Drive/SH 119

I wanted to ensure you're aware that CDOT has changed communications operations and contact information for their project on Boulder Canyon Drive/SH 119. The project website remains the same, but contact and the text for information have changed:

  • Email =
  • Phone = 720-500-1192
  • Text CO119 to 21000 to receive project text alerts

Thank you for your time, patience, and understanding.

Have a good day.


Andrew Barth
Boulder County Transportation