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February 10, 2023

Feb. 16 Virtual Public Meeting Regarding Possible Changes to the Land Use Code Related to Composting Incidental to Farming

Any changes to the Code through this potential amendment will not apply to industrial composting facilities

UPDATE: The meeting location has been changed to be held virtually only. Registration is required to attend.

Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting is hosting a virtual community meeting regarding a potential Land Use Code update which would amend provisions for composting that is incidental to farming practices. The meeting will be held virtually on Zoom on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Feb. 16 Virtual Community Meeting

What: Virtual Community Meeting to review potential changes to the Land Use Code related to composting incidental to farming
Who: Boulder County residents, residents of neighboring jurisdictions interested in composting and farmers and other professionals interested in regenerative farming practices
When: Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023 from 6-8 p.m.
Where: Virtual meeting via Zoom. Register to attend at

Registration is required, but participants can register at any time, including after the meeting has started. The meeting will include a brief presentation and overview of the existing code language, as well as the opportunity for staff to hear directly from the community regarding the changes under consideration.

This potential update will not impact the provisions related to industrial composting but is intended to further the County’s goals related to sustainability & climate goals, regenerative farming initiatives, and the development of a local circular economy. This update would allow agricultural producers to source composting material from the public, which could then be composted on the farm. The finished compost would be used on-site for farming operations or sold as part of allowed Accessory Agricultural Sales.

Any changes to the Code through this potential amendment will not apply to industrial composting facilities. The Boulder County Land Use Code applies only to the unincorporated portions of Boulder County, not incorporated cities and towns.

Next Steps

A community questionnaire will be available online beginning on Feb. 17, and will be open through March 3. This project is still in the conceptual phase and a formal public comment period is not yet open.

Sign-up to receive updates on Land Use Code text amendments, including notices of public meetings and hearings. For more information, email Long Range Planner Andrea Vaughn or call 303-441-1356.