June 24, 2024
June 2024 Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC) Agenda and Newsletter
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Mobility & Access Coalition meetings are virtual, 3rd Tuesday of the Month
Meeting Summary
Thank you to those who attended the MAC meeting this June! Welcome to our new members and a special thanks to our amazing panelists!
Disability Services Panel Discussion explored innovative strategies, community partnerships, and impactful initiatives that promote inclusivity and accessibility of disability services.
- Rebecca Seiden, Boulder County IDD Mill Levy Program
- Natalie Callesen, Abby Care
- Topher Downham, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Education and Outreach Program
- Stephanie O'Neil, Denver Regional Mobility and Access Council
Organizational Updates:
- Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Transportation Options, Jessica Villena Sanchez
New Staff Introductions:
Gisa Simmons, Civil Rights Division at RTD
Paul Kwiatkowski, BOCO Transit Program Manager
If you missed our June MAC meeting, click here.
All of our virtual MAC meetings are posted to M4A's YouTube Channel!
Next MAC Meeting:
- In-Person on Tuesday, July 16th, 2024, 1:00 - 2:30pm, at the St. Vrain Hub, 515 Coffman Street, Longmont,
To Join the Mobility and Access Coalition Email List, Contact: mobilityforall@bouldercounty.gov
June 26: Summer Bike to Work Day
June 26: Front Range Passenger Rail (FRPR) Service Development Plan Meeting
June 27, July 11 & 18: Summer Concerts in the Park in Louisville
June 29: NoBo Library Grand Opening
June 29: Hygiene Music and Art Festival in Longmont
July 3: Fireworks Show in Erie
July 4: Great American Picnic in Broomfield
July 4: Longmont Fireworks Show
July 6: Independence Celebration at Four Mile Historic Park in Denver
July 10: Colorado Cross Disability Coalition Listening Tour at CPWD Boulder
July 12: Tube to Work Day in Boulder
July 19-21: Pearl Street Arts Fest
July 23: Help for the Journey: Caregiver Forum
Check out the M4A calendar for more events and meetings each month!
It is Boulder County policy to make county programs, meetings, activities, and services accessible to individuals with disabilities, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need special assistance, contact the ADA Coordinator at 303-441-3525 at least 72 hours before the scheduled event.
Colorado CarShare Announces New Locations!
Colorado CarShare is excited to announce their newest locations:
- Boulder - Frasier Meadows on Ponca Place
- Boulder - 30th & Spruce @ Boulder Junction w/ Boulder Housing partners
- Denver - 38th & Blake in the RiNo District
- Frisco, Summit County - off Main St. & 3rd Ave @ Community Center
Click here to view these and all carshare locations!
ICYMI: M4A Outreach Highlight
On June 5th, the Mobility for All team hosted a Transportation 101 Workshop at the Senior Center in Lafayette. Our amazing M4A ambassadors, Denice and Lisa, also recently led successful workshops in Lafayette. Mobility for All hosts transportation workshops throughout the year in an effort to increase awareness and educate people about the transportation options available to them and how to use them. A big part of our job is empowering people with choices and information so they can make the best decisions for themselves in regard to transportation.
Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition Listening Tour
The Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition (CCDC), in collaboration with the Center for People With Disabilities (CPWD), is excited to invite you to our upcoming Listening Tour stop in Boulder to hear directly from people with disabilities about the challenges they experience within our systems.
- When: July 10, 2024, 10:00 am - 12 pm
- Where: Center for People With Disabilities,1675 Range Street, Boulder, CO 80301
- Register: Complete this Form or email craig@cpwd.org
CCDC is a statewide organization dedicated to advocating for the rights of people with all types of disabilities, with a focus on state government programs, laws, and policies.
Wednesday, June 26th is Summer Bike to Work Day!
Join in on the fun with your fellow bicyclists!
Pledge to Ride – It helps with planning and keeps you in the loop. Encourage your friends and coworkers to ride as well!
Breakfast stations in and around Boulder serving free food and drinks to participants riding or walking to work from 6:30-9:00 am. Sign up to be a Breakfast Station Host.
What Inequities Do People with Disabilities Face? Share Your Thoughts!
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is asking the public for feedback to understand the full scope of inequities faced by people with disability and the gaps in current knowledge. This feedback will support the government in making data-informed policy decisions to advance equity in all areas—including health, employment, education and others—for people with disabilities. We encourage everyone in the disability community to respond to this request for information. Learn more and submit your comments here by July 15, 2024.
July 16th is Rural Transit Day - Take the Pledge!
The nation's first Rural Transit Day was celebrated on July 16, 2019. This special holiday focuses on what agencies are doing to recognize passengers and staff on Rural Transit Day and throughout the year. In 2023, 51 agencies from 28 states (as well as national organizations) took the pledge.
Click here to take the pledge and learn more.
Veterans Stand Down - Resource Guide and RSVP
The Veterans Stand Down will take place on Thursday, Oct. 17 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Please complete this form to RSVP to table the event and to share your organization's information for a Resource Guide for Veterans and their families to better navigate available services.
Webinars & Trainings:
- How to Get Recertified as a Medicaid Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Provider in Colorado, hosted by Colorado Association of Transit Agencies on June 25th at 12:00pm. Better understand the guidance released by Transdev on their Colorado Credentialing Process.
- How UC Davis Brought Shared Micromobility to Campus, hosted by Association for Commuter Transportation on June 27th at 12:00pm
- DRMAC Educational Offering: Understanding Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDDs) and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs), hosted by DRMAC on July 9th at 1:30pm
- Pedestrian Fatalities in Indian Country: Responding to a Crisis, hosted by America Walks on July 9th at 12:00pm
- Equity in Road Safety Webinar Series, hosted by FWHA on July 24th at 11:00am
- City of Boulder 2023 Study Results for Resident Travel Diary Survey: This survey, conducted since 1990, provides Boulder resident travel behavior data and is a companion to the city’s employee travel survey. The findings suggest that the city is progressing in key measures, but not at the pace needed to meet the city’s transportation goals by 2030. Click here to learn more about Boulder's progress toward meeting their transportation goals.
Grant Opportunities:
- Revitalizing Main Streets CDOT Grant, deadline June 26th
- FY24 Stage 1 SMART Grants Notice of Funding Opportunity, deadline July 12th
- FY2024 Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning, deadline July 22nd
Job & Volunteer Opportunities:
- Senior Planner for DRCOG
- Transportation Coordinator for TRU Community Care in Lafayette
- Transportation Services Manager, for the State of Colorado in Golden
- Marketing and Communications Coordinator for Boulder Chamber
- Multimodal Specialist for the City of Durango
M4A has created a landing page for driving and volunteer opportunities. Check out the opportunities today! If you have jobs you wish to see featured, email mobilityforall@bouldercounty.gov
Podcasts & Audio Content
- Bicycle City: Riding the Bike Boom to a Brighter Future, Booked on Planning
- Active Transportation Planning and Urban Design, The Urban Speak Podcast
- A Two-Edged Sword: In-vehicle technologies can either help us or hurt us, Thinking Transportation: Engaging Conversations about Transportation Innovations
- Cassie Hames - Programmer at Sage Automation, Women Who Move Nations - The Public Transport Podcast
News Articles
Are We Ready to Tackle the Surging Demand for Accessible Transportation?, Via Mobility Services
No free RTD rides during ozone season this summer, unless you’re a kid, CPR News
“Short-term action, long-term change”: How quick builds are bringing innovation to safe streets implementation, Transportation for America
Colorado's Bold New Approach to Highways - Not Building Them, The New York Times
- I'm a Nondriver - and There's a Good Chance You Are Too, The Stranger
The Other Kind of Bike Infrastructure Cities Need, Bloomberg
- RTD TABOR Exemption Blog Post, Commuting Solutions
Learn about mobility options and resources in our region:
- Boulder County: Mobility for All Options
- Boulder County Youth Transportation Options English | Español
- Denver Metro Region: DRMAC Getting There Guide
- Northern Colorado Region: RideNoCo
- Boulder Transportation Connections Transportation Options
- Commuting Solutions Options
Boulder County Mobility and Access Coalition's Vision is an equitable transportation network that empowers people of all ages and abilities to move in and beyond the Boulder County community.