February 8, 2021
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Hiker Rescued from the Royal Arch Trail
Boulder County, Colo. -
On Sunday, February 7, 2021 at approximately 5:40 p.m. the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office received a call regarding a hiker who was stranded in the area of Sentinel Pass after hiking in the area of the Royal Arch. The 24-year-old male from Phoenix City, Alabama was hiking alone when he was caught after dark on the trail without proper lighting to assist him in hiking down.
A City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Ranger and members of the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group hiked to the subject and assisted him down to the trailhead.
The rescue took approximately one and one half hours.
Agencies assisting with this rescue effort included: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, and the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is: #21-705.
/s/Emergency Services Coordinator Kelly Lucy