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May 16, 2019

Governor Polis visits St. Vrain Hub for Bill Signing Ceremony

Governor Polis, Senate and House bill sponsors, and stakeholders attend a bill signing ceremony at the Boulder County St. Vrain Community Hub in Longmont

Boulder County, Colo. - Elected officials gathered at the Boulder County St. Vrain Community Hub to celebrate the end of the legislative session with a bill signing ceremony. Governor Polis, Senators Singer, Foote, and Rodriquez, Longmont Mayor Brian Bagley, and County Commissioners Elise Jones and Matt Jones attended the ceremony alongside stakeholders, staff, and residents. Boulder County is proud to be a local collaborator with state elected officials to help ensure that legislation is strongly rooted in the needs and realties of our community.

“We were so honored to have this bill signing in our county,” said Commissioner Elise Jones. “In particular, we were thrilled to provide support for the passage of the bill to reauthorize funding for the Colorado Resiliency Office. This bill is a huge success as it will help the state, Boulder County included, to be more prepared for our next major disaster. We know another incident will occur in our future, and this dedicated funding for resiliency is the kind of forethought we need to be employing now to ensure our communities bounce back from future disasters more quickly.”

The following bills were signed at this event:

  • SB19-178: Program to Subsidize Adoption for Children and Youth (Singer - Foote)
  • SB19-234: Sunset Professional Review Committees (Weissman - Rodriguez/Foote)
  • HB19-1292: Colorado Resiliency Office Reauthorization Funding (Singer/Galindo - Ginal)
  • HB19-1267: Penalties for Failure to Pay Wages (Singer/Froelich - Danielson/Rodriguez)

“Boulder County and all the communities within Boulder County are very excited to host Governor Polis and Senators Singer, Foote, Froelich and Rodriguez for the signing of these critically important bills. The Senators and Governor Polis are strong allies in our efforts to strengthen supports for children and families in our community,” said Frank Alexander, Director of Boulder County Housing & Human Services. “Our collective goal is to provide supports that will strengthen families, like access to affordable child care, medical coverage, workforce development, and other primary prevention of child maltreatment activities. All of these supports are deeply connected to the overall health of our community, and we look forward ongoing partnership as we continue moving forward toward a system that is proactive and prevention-focused.”

The bill signing ceremony addressed several different pieces of legislation, many of which focused on providing additional support, security, and resiliency to local communities in Boulder County. The St. Vrain Community Hub was a fitting venue for the event because it brings together an array of community services all under one roof. Boulder County Housing & Human Services, Workforce Boulder County, Boulder County Community Services and Boulder County Public Health are all co-located at the Hub, to support residents more efficiently and increases the connection between departments for better communication and collaboration. The St. Vrain Community is a one-stop center for health and human services in one central location, ultimately leading to a healthier and more stable community.

Boulder County has an internal Policy Team that works throughout the year to advocate for and against legislation at the state level. These four bills that were signed at the St. Vrain Community Hub are just four of dozens of bills that Boulder County supported during the 2019 Legislative Session. For more information about Boulder County’s Legislative Priorities visit

Bill signing at the St. Vrain Hub
Audience at the bill signing at the St. Vrain Hub