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February 4, 2019

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Free Bicycle-Friendly Driver course teaches everyone how to be more safe and courteous on the road

Class aimed at both cyclists and motorists

Boulder County, Colo. - Bicycle Colorado, a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Denver, has been invited by Boulder county Transportation to present a FREE class to interested cyclists and drivers of all ages and abilities that is aimed at informing both groups how they can safely coexist on the roadway. Bicycle Colorado’s mission is to lead a passionate and growing movement that champions the interests of everyone who rides or wants to ride a bicycle in Colorado.

What: Bicycle Safety Course
When: Tuesday, Feb. 12, from 6:15-7:45 p.m.
Where: City of Boulder New Britain Building –
First Floor Conference Room
1101 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder
Details: Class size is limited. Please register for the
FREE class at

This is the first time the class is being offered to the public in Boulder. The same event has been offered in Fort Collins and received positive reviews for the material presented and its balanced information for both motorists and cyclists. Attendees will learn about:

  • Common causes of bike/motor vehicle crashes and how to avoid them.
  • Laws and responsibilities for both travelers.
  • How to navigate on-street bicycle infrastructure.
  • Why sharing the road is the safest option for everyone.

The class is being provided thanks to a grant awarded to Boulder County through the Regional Air Quality Council. Learn more about the class and Bicycle Colorado on their website.
For more information, contact Andrew Barth, Boulder County Transportation communications, at 303-441-1032 or

Logo for Bicycle Colorado