Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

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January 18, 2019

Fourmile Canyon Flood Recovery Project Update

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Work continues on the retaining walls in the lower portion of the canyon. Engineering issues with connecting the walls to existing private access bridges have been solved and crews are again moving full steam ahead. Unfortunately, the problem resulted in a short delay with the project and put it behind schedule. The contractor is hopeful that they'll be able to catch up if weather remains favorable (i.e., no snow). In addition to the walls, work has started on the roadside ditches in the uphill lane. This work will continue over the coming weeks.

Vegetation trimming and removal operations are also moving along in the upper portion of the canyon, just down from the junction. Crews believe this work will take approximately three more weeks to complete. By preparing the area now, excavation and structure crews currently in the lower portion will be able to dive into work in the upper work zone as soon as they're available. As you may have seen, the tree crews are using one lane of road to safely conduct their work, so there are short delays between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Please remember that delays can extend up to 15-minutes total between Boulder Canyon and Salina Junction. Our flaggers will do their best to get you moving as quickly as possible. Their main objective is keeping everyone safe, so please pay attention to their directions.


After working hours, it is imperative that everyone obey the traffic signals. There have been many reports of close calls due to people running red lights. We know that this is inconvenient, but the lights must be obeyed for everyone's safety.

In addition, we ask everyone to travel the speed limit in the canyon at all times. There are a lot of moving parts and pieces and many people working along the road. Please pay attention and obey the posted limits throughout the canyon.

Crews will be working this Monday, Jan. 21, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, so cycling restrictions will be enforced.

Thank your for your time and patience. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a good day and a great weekend.



Andrew Barth
Boulder County Transportation