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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

April 2, 2023

Media Contact

Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500

Fatal Ski Crash at Eldora Mountain Resort

Boulder County, Colo. -

On April 2, 2023, at approximately 09:45 am, the Boulder County Communications Center received a call from the area of Eldora Mountain Ski Resort, located at 2861 Lake Eldora Ski Road in unincorporated Boulder County, for a female that was not conscious or breathing after colliding with a tree on the Muleshoe ski run.

The 58-year-old female was visiting from Texas with friends and family, when she reportedly fell while skiing down Muleshoe. After falling, she continued to slide down the run before ultimately striking a tree. Members from her party immediately called 911 and began to perform CPR.

Rescuers from the Eldora Ski Patrol, Nederland Fire Department, MedEvac Air Ambulance and American Medical Response (AMR) all responded and attempted life-saving measures, however the female skier was ultimately pronounced deceased in the first aid room.

Foul play is not suspected; however, the investigation remains on-going. The incident will be investigated by the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office and the Boulder County Coroner's Office. The Coroner’s Office will determine the cause and manner of death, as well as the identity of the decedent.

The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, Eldora Mountain Ski Patrol, Nederland Fire Protection District, American Medical Response, MedEvac, Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Victims’ Advocates, and the Boulder County Coroner’s Office responded to the incident.

The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is: 23-01703.


/s/ Ryan Singer, Emergency Services Coordinator