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November 16, 2022

Media Contact
Vivienne Jannatpour, (303) 678-6277

East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan Kick Off

Parks & Open Space staff will introduce planning process.

Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Parks & Open Space is beginning the planning process for the East Boulder Creek Site and will introduce both the management planning process and the area itself to Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee (POSAC) members and the public during the POSAC monthly public meeting on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 6:30 p.m.

This meeting will serve as the kickoff for the project and staff will detail the major components that will go into the development of the department’s newest site management plan. Following a short presentation, staff will welcome questions and
discussion about both the process and site at the meeting.

This meeting also launches the first public comment opportunity through an online survey. Visit the East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan webpage for more information and the survey. This initial survey will be open through February 2023. Additional public input opportunities will be available throughout the planning process.

View the POSAC agenda. Attendees may join through Zoom or in-person at the Downtown Boulder County Courthouse.

What: POSAC Public Hearing on East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan

When: Thursday, Nov. 17, at 6:30 p.m.

Where: In-Person and Zoom Webinar. In-Person in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room, Downtown Boulder County Courthouse, Third Floor, 1325 Pearl St., 3rd Floor, Boulder.

Registration is only required for participants who want to provide public comment. Meetings are streamed live through eSCRIBE. Video will display on the agenda page as soon as the meeting begins.

East Boulder Creek Site Map