News Archive

September 6, 2024

Draft Plan for the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) Now Available for Review

Public comments on the draft BERT Plan will be accepted though September 25

Boulder County, Colo. - The draft plan for the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) is now posted on the project website. Public comments on the draft plan are requested, and will be accepted though September 25, 2024.

This BERT Plan Draft evaluates multiple conceptual alignments and identifies a preferred alignment for further consideration for an east-west multi-use trail connection between the City of Boulder and Town of Erie. The draft includes the project process, public and stakeholder input and engagement, technical evaluation, conceptual level alignment, opinion of cost, and next steps.

The BERT Plan Appendix will be available for public review and comment starting next week. The Plan Appendix includes supplemental materials from the planning process. These include base mapping, photos, and detailed information from the data collection phase of the project, documentation of meetings and the presentation materials shared at meetings, survey results, documentation of additional work with project partners on raptor nests, public comments on the plan, and concurrence memos/approval documentation.


In partnership with the City of Boulder and Town of Erie, Boulder County is evaluating options for the construction of a new regional trail connection linking Boulder and Erie. The first step in trail development is to conduct a planning process to identify needs, opportunities, and constraints of constructing the regional trail. The planning process is now in its final stage of development.

View more at, including upcoming board meetings in September and October. For more information, contact Tonya Luebbert, Regional Trails Planner, at

CPP Bert Plan Draft preferred alignment overview image

Image from the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail Plan Draft showing preferred Alignment 1b, located within the RTD Right of Way (ROW), selected for its safety, user experience, and minimal impact on adjacent properties.

BERT trail corridor looking west into the sunset and mountains

The Boulder to Erie Regional Trail corridor looking west toward Boulder.

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