April 23, 2019
Boulder County Diabetes Prevention Program begins Wednesday, May 8, in Boulder
Registration required for this year-long class
Boulder County, Colo. - More than 65,000 people in Boulder County have prediabetes! Ninety percent don’t even know they have it. Could you be one of them?
Prediabetes occurs when your blood sugar is elevated, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. The bad news is that prediabetes increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. The good news is that if you lose weight, adopt healthier eating habits, and become more active, you can cut your risk of getting Type 2 diabetes in half.
The Boulder County Area Agency on Aging is offering a Diabetes Prevention Program beginning Wednesday, May 8, in Boulder. It is a national program developed by the Centers for Disease Control. Over the course of this year-long program, participants get the support they need to learn how to make changes that will last.
What: Diabetes Prevention Program
When: Begins Wednesday, May 8, from 5-6 p.m.
Where: 3482 Broadway, Boulder County Sundquist Building, Sundquist Conference Room
Registration and a diagnosis of prediabetes are required for this year-long class. To find out if you qualify, or for more information, please contact Melissa Pruitt at 303-441-4583, or mpruitt@bouldercounty.org.
Since joining the Diabetes Prevention Program last year, a recent participant said, “I feel like I am being pro-active. I CAN change my blood sugar levels. I see I really can change!