April 22, 2020
Community Planning & Permitting Department Now Accepting Applications Online
Online submittals now available for Planning Applications and Building Permits
Boulder County, Colo. - The Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting Department (CPP) is excited to announce that online applications for both Planning Reviews and Building Permits are now available.
An online account will be required in order to apply. Instructions on how to register for an account can be found at www.boco.org/CPP-application-submittal. The online system will also allow for payment of deposits and fees.
Many types of planning applications (such as Site Plan Review and other current planning reviews) are accepted pursuant to dates on a submittal schedule. For those projects, please hold off on submitting your application online until you have been given authorization from CPP. Since all submittal dates on the schedule have shifted as we established remote functionality, CPP will contact applicants to notify them of their new submittal date in advance of their turn. Applications will continue to be processed in the order they are on the submittal schedule.
Building Permits and Planning Applications for Building Lot Determinations, Transferrable Development Credits (TDC), new Telecommunication Facilities, and SPRW for Renewable Energy Systems (i.e., ground-mounted solar systems) may be submitted online at any time.
Please note, these applications are for planning and building in the unincorporated areas of Boulder County, not in cities or towns. See municipality contacts within Boulder County for information on cities and towns.
As staff works to process these applications as efficiently as possible, Building Permit processing timeframes are not available at this time; however, building permit issuance status is available online. Please be aware that typical timelines for all reviews may need to be modified, given circumstances related to COVID-19. For more details, see the Notice of Emergency Actions.
As a reminder: The Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting office at 2045 13th St., Boulder is CLOSED to the public through at least June 1. When the office does reopen, the county will take measures to protect staff and the public. Some of those measures may include limiting staff and public access to the building, adjusting hours, and continuing to work remotely when possible. Planning pre-application conferences will be held via telephone or video conference.
Applications that are currently in process will continue to be reviewed remotely. The department looks forward to implementing these measures and further developing systems that will better serve applicants now and beyond this event.
For more information, call 303-441-3930 or email the appropriate department team:
- Building Code & Building Plan Review: building@bouldercounty.org
- Building Permits & Contractor License Applications: ezbp@bouldercounty.org
- Building Inspections: buildinginspectors@bouldercounty.org
- Code Compliance / Zoning Enforcement: codecompliance@bouldercounty.org
- Front Desk: landusefrontdesk@bouldercounty.org
- Floodplain Permits: floodplainadmin@bouldercounty.org
- Liquor Licensing: liquorlicensing@bouldercounty.org
- Marijuana Licensing: marijuanalicensing@bouldercounty.org
- Planning / Zoning: planner@bouldercounty.org
- Special Events: se@bouldercounty.org
- Transportation Development Review: transdevreview@bouldercounty.org
- Transportation Multimodal Planning: transportationplanning@bouldercounty.org
More information is available at www.boco.org/CPP. The latest Boulder County information on COVID-19 is posted at www.boco.org/COVID-19.
The Community Planning & Permitting Department thanks you for your adaptability in these extraordinary times.