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May 2, 2019

Crestone CDP Hearing Suspended

COGCC will not consider Crestone CDP at May 20-21 hearing

Boulder County, Colo. - Due to the mandate from SB19-181 which was signed into law on April 19, 2019, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) hearing on Crestone Peak Resources’ Comprehensive Drilling Plan (CDP) proposed in Boulder County was suspended and a future hearing date has not yet been scheduled.

Although the CDP and its associated drilling and spacing unit applications appear on COGCC’s Docket for May, these items are not going forward to the May 20-21 COGCC hearing. Once Boulder County has more information on future scheduling, we will publicize the dates.

From COGCC’s Operator Guidance for SB19-181:

Because the CDP review process follows that of a Form 2A, the Commission will apply the Director’s Objective Criteria to any pending or proposed CDP application. Specifically, the Commission will consider whether a CDP application satisfies SB 19-181’s public health, safety, welfare, environment and wildlife mandate. If the Director determines that a CDP meets SB 19-181’s mandate, the Director may find the CDP suitable and recommend that the application be brought before the Commission for consideration. If the Director determines that Commission consideration of the CDP does not meet SB 19-181’s mandate, the Director may delay final determination as to whether the CDP is suitable under Rule 216.d.(4).

See Boulder County’s Oil and Gas webpage for more information on oil and gas activity and efforts in Boulder County and to sign up for email updates.