Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

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August 23, 2021

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

CO 7 (Lower) Project – Full Closure Begins Sept. 20 – Expect delays starting this week

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Beginning at 8 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 20 a.m., the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will close Colorado 7 between Mile Points 23 and 29.5 for permanent flood repairs. The closure of CO 7 (Lower) Canyon will remain in place through Memorial Day 2022. There will be “scheduled openings” for all traffic from 6-8 a.m. and 4-7 p.m. daily, including weekends. During these timeframes, pilot cars will lead alternating one-way travel. Drivers should plan for delays and the team has planned to ensure that emergency responder access is maintained at all times. Due to work zone conditions, cycling, kayaking, hiking and climbing will be closed between MP 23-29.5 at all times during the closure.

This schedule was presented to the communities at the virtual public meeting on Aug. 3 and CDOT has actively been coordinating with residents near the closure. The closure strategy was selected by community agency representatives because the closure coincides with the months of lowest traffic volumes on CO 7. While impactful, the alternative to this full closure would have involved alternating one-way travel on CO 7 with long, unpredictable traffic queues for several years. While CO 7 is closed, drivers will need to use US 36 or US 34 to travel to and from Estes Park and Lyons. The project team has coordinated with local schools, mail/delivery services and emergency responders.

After Memorial Day 2022, traffic impacts will be minimal with single-lane closures and intermittent delays through Fall 2022.

The goals of this project are to maintain access during future flood events, build a safe system accommodating multi-modal transportation options and work in harmony with ecological river functions in the corridor.


For the week of Aug. 22, motorists can expect single-lane traffic and shoulder closures on CO 7 at mile point 31. Cyclists will need to merge with traffic in this area.

Learn more by visiting

  • Project Hotline - 720-912-8870
  • Text "CO7UPDATES" to 21000 to register for the project text alert service

CDOT CO 7 Project