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June 2, 2022

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Chip sealing of county roads starts Tuesday

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Boulder County, Colo. – Boulder County Road Maintenance will begin annual chip seal work on county roadways on Tuesday, June 7. The work will take place between 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and is expected to last into early July, weather permitting. A complete list of roads is available below and can be found on the county website.

Chip sealing work consists of applying liquid asphalt to a road surface followed by a layer of one-quarter inch chips that essentially create a new layer on top of the road. A week after the chips are applied, crews return to the area to apply a sealant designed to help the chips adhere to the road. This work is followed by roadway striping operations.

To aid in cycling safety and to help create a smoother ride, Boulder County uses a smaller chip size than is typically applied on other roads outside of the county. The smaller chip creates a smoother surface and reduces wear and tear on bicycles.

Boulder County Public Works encourages motorists and cyclists to avoid unnecessary travel on the following roads on days that the chip application and sealing operations are taking place as there may be travel delays. The roads to be chip sealed include (in planned order):

  • 119th Street from Oxford Road to the county line
  • 115th Street from Oxford Road to Niwot Road and on to East County Line Road
  • Isabelle Road from 95th Street to US 287
  • Valmont Road from 95th Street to US 287
  • Jay Road from 63rd to 75th Street
  • Lookout Road from 75th Street to US 287
  • Somerset and Longview Road in Niwot
  • 73rd/75th streets from Niwot Road to CO Highway 66

Chip sealing operations are part of the county’s primary network roadway rehabilitation plan. The process is intended to extend the lifespan of the roadway and postpone larger reconstruction efforts that would require more expensive work and extensive travel restrictions. Primary network county roads are typically chip sealed every six to eight years.

While Boulder County Road Maintenance strives to complete all projects on-time, work is weather dependent and there may be delays due to rain or other unfavorable working conditions.

For more information on the work, visit the project webpage, or contact Andrew Barth at or 303-441-1032.

Chip seal on Neva Road in 2019

(Neva Road post chip seal 2019)