News Archive

May 30, 2024

Boulder County Releases Homeless Solutions for Boulder County Public Data Dashboard

Data on trends and services related to HSBC project efforts

Boulder, Colo. - Homeless Solutions for Boulder County (HSBC), a regional effort that seeks to address single adults experiencing homelessness, is excited to launch a public facing data dashboard that provides data on trends and services related to project efforts. The dashboard is hosted on the County’s website at

This interactive dashboard provides accessible data to the public and replaces data previously organized in more traditional reports (which can be found at HSBC monthly Executive Board briefs). This system represents the first phase of multiple visual enhancements scheduled to be launched over the coming years. Data for the system come from the Boulder County Housing and Human Services Connect system and the state-wide Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

The contents of this first release of the dashboard are: County-wide data points from coordinated entry assessments, program referral results, exits from homelessness, and exit types.

“The creation of this dashboard has been a long-term goal of Homeless Solutions for Boulder County. We are grateful to our service providers for their quality data collection activities, as well as efforts to ensure data are clean and valid. This was truly a team effort!” Heidi Grove, Homeless Solutions for Boulder County Systems Manager.

"We congratulate Boulder County on the unveiling of the new data dashboard," said Sofia Vigil, Regional Coordination Lead at MDHI. "Homelessness is a complex issue that requires comprehensive data-driven solutions. This tool empowers stakeholders with the insights needed to make informed decisions and drive positive change in the community."

The City of Boulder has hosted a data dashboard since 2018. While some of the data elements reflected in that system come from the same sources, comparing the two data dashboards is not recommended as the county dashboard reflects data only from 2020 to current (both entry into the homelessness system and exit from the homeless system), as well as City of Longmont program exits, and exit types.

Over the next few years, the dashboard will grow to include street outreach contacts across Boulder County, information on individuals who are moved to inactive status (no longer in the service area), detailed program specific data, shelter bed utilization across the county, and additional interactive features.

For questions, please contact Heidi Grove, Homeless Solutions for Boulder County Systems Manager at