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December 14, 2020

Boulder County programs seek holiday donations

Community holiday giving programs are seeking donations to help ensure as many children and families as possible can share in the joy of the season this year.

Boulder County, Colo. - Community holiday giving programs are seeking donations to help ensure as many children and families as possible can share in the joy of the season this year. The Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services (BCDHHS) offers options for anyone who wants to help.

This year, it feels more important than ever to provide support for children and older adults in our community who are struggling with isolation from their peers and family members, economic uncertainty, and a myriad of other stressful conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This has been an unusual, difficult year for the families and children in our community,” said Will Kugel, BCDHHS Interim Director. “These families are modeling resilience as they balance the needs of school, parenting, family and other obligations—this year and always, we hope our holiday giving programs can provide some support to our neighbors who are struggling.”

"Each year, these programs reflect the true generosity of our community,” said Board of County Commissioners Chair Deb Gardner. “Boulder County residents care deeply about their neighbors in need, and these programs provide an excellent opportunity to turn that concern into real support for families and their caregivers just trying to make ends meet. We hope you will consider giving even just a small amount to these worthy programs.”

Family to Family (F2F) Holiday Program

Now in its 46th year, the Family to Family (F2F) Holiday Program seeks donations to help parents and caregivers give gifts to their children and others in need. F2F serves the most vulnerable financially struggling families and individuals in the Child Protection, Foster Care, Adolescent and Adult Protection (later life and disabled adults) and basic needs programs. Giving through the Family to Family Program is easy.

“The Family to Family Program is a longstanding opportunity for support that allows our community to give back in a way that reflects the reality that everyone has their own unique traditions for the holidays,” said Angela Lanci-Macris, Director of the BCDHHS Case Management and Community Outreach Division. “This is a very direct way for our neighbors to help relieve some of the stress that families are feeling and help provide some of the joy that comes with giving a little more happiness to our community’s children.”

Giving through the Family to Family Program is easy. Online donations can be made at Additional information is also available there or by contacting Debbie Ramirez at 303-441-1430 or

girl with beach ball with request for crazy socks

BCDHHS Senior Services Program

The BCDHHS Senior Services Program seeks donations of gift cards to local grocery stores or discount retail stores to help offset the costs of medications and high medical expenses.

The program provides supports for older adults who are tenants in permanently-affordable homes. Low- and fixed-income seniors often face the reality of having to choose between covering medical expenses and buying groceries or meeting other basic needs.

Gifts given through this program go a long way toward helping them make ends meet during the holidays. To make a donation, contact Kris Durso at 303-519-7152 or

Older adult woman in a lobby of a retirement facility

Family Self-Sufficiency’s Holiday Gift Sponsor Program

The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program serves Boulder County families who are working to gain skills to help them achieve higher-wage jobs and better living situations. The FSS Holiday Program requests support for FSS families through donations of gift cards or cash so they can purchase gifts for their own families this holiday season, or to help with groceries and basic household needs. Contact Katie Frye at 303-441-3923 or

Mom and son with a request for a scooter

“Boulder County’s holiday giving programs always provide resources to our neighbors that are the lowest income and greatest need,” said Deborah Ramirez, BCDHHS Volunteer Office Program Coordinator. “The COVID-19 pandemic has stressed these already underserved families and children and we hope that our programs can alleviate some of this strain. Every donation, large or small, is made in the spirit of bringing joy, hope, and help to individuals and families in our community.”

Additional Giving Opportunities

Other holiday giving opportunities include supporting the Family Resource Centers in Boulder County, which include Sister Carmen Community Center in Lafayette (303-665-4342), Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA) in Boulder (303-442-3042), and Outreach United Resources (OUR) Center in Longmont (303-772-5529). These non-profit community partners provide financial assistance for rent and utilities, mortgage support, free food boxes or prepared meals, and much more.

Thank you letters from 2019 holiday giving programs