November 11, 2020
Boulder County Planning Commission agenda for November 18, 2020
Planning Commission public meeting will be held virtually starting at 1:30 p.m.
Boulder County, Colo. - The next meeting of the Boulder County Planning Commission will be Wednesday, November 18, 2020, beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Due to COVID-19 concerns Planning Commission meetings are being held virtually. Register to attend or speak on a docket item.
There will be opportunity to remotely provide public comment on the subject dockets during the respective Public Hearing portions for each item. Written comments for these items may be submitted by emailing and referencing the Docket number in the subject of the email. Call 303-441-3930 or email for more information.
Agenda items include:
Approval of Minutes/Miscellaneous Business
Staff Updates
Request: Request to vacate a platted access easement on Outlot A of Block 3, The Farm in Boulder Valley N.U.P.U.D providing access to Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Block 3, The Farm in Boulder Valley N.U.P.U.D.
Location: 0 N 95th Street, parcel # 146516003004, approximately .35 miles east of the intersection of Kestrel Lane and 95th street, Section 16, Township 1N, Range 69W.
Zoning: Agricultural (A)
Applicants/Property Owners: Craig & Nicole Harrison
Agent: Holland & Hart
Action Requested: Recommendation to BOCC
Public testimony will be taken
Staff Planner: Ryan Kacirek
Request: Location & Extent review to replace the existing entrance station building with a new building, reconfigure vehicular and pedestrian access and movement through the entrance, improve drainage conditions on at the entrance to Eldorado Canyon State Park.
Location: 364 and 300 Eldorado Springs Drive, approximately 200 feet west of the intersection of Eldorado Springs Drive and Artesian Drive, Section 25, Township 1S, Range 71W.
Zoning: Business (B), Estate Residential (ER), Forestry (F)
Applicant: Colorado Parks & Wildlife, c/o Scott Roush
Property Owner: State of Colorado
Agent: Martin/Martin, Inc. c/o Allison Kuhlman
Action Requested: Decision
Public testimony will be taken
Staff Planner: Ryan Kacirek
Current and recent Planning Commission agendas, minutes, and archived video recordings are available on the Planning Commission webpage.