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May 7, 2020

Boulder County Planning Commission agenda for May 20, 2020

Planning Commission public meeting will be held virtually starting at 1:30 p.m.

Boulder County, Colo. - The next meeting of the Boulder County Planning Commission will be Wed., May 20, 2020, beginning at 1:30 p.m.


There will be opportunity to remotely provide public comment on the subject dockets during the respective virtual Public Hearing portions for each item. Written comments for these dockets may be submitted by emailing and referencing the docket number in the subject of the email. Call 303-441-3930 or email for more information.

Agenda items include:

Call to Order

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes/Miscellaneous Business


  • Public Hearing: Docket SI-18-0003 City of Boulder - Boulder Interceptor Sewer Relocation
    Request: Areas and Activities of State Interest (1041) review for the relocation and replacement of the City of Boulder sewer interceptor line. The project includes replacing an existing 42 inch diameter concrete pipe with a 54-to 66-inch pipe to increase capacity and to relocate the line to an area less susceptible to flood damage and erosion.
    Location: 4045 and 4049 N. 75th St. (146313300002), 3893 N. 75th St. (146313300005, 146314000030), 6936 Jay Rd. (146314000040), 0 RR (146322009001), 5823 Valmont Rd. (146322300003), 0 Valmont Rd. (146322300015), 6005 Valmont Rd. (146322400011), 5973 and 3131 Indian Rd. (146322400014), 3180 61st St. (146322400021), 3152 Indian Rd. (146322400028), 3262 N. 61st St. (146322400032, 146322400033), 0 Valmont Dr. (146323000001), 6405 Valmont Rd. (146323000006), 3897 N. 75th St. (146324000008), 0 N. 5th St. (146324000009), & 5880 Butte Mill Rd. (146327000003), 6017 Valmont Rd. (146322400012), 6025 Valmont Rd. (146322400013), 5987 Valmont Rd. (146322400029), 6033 Valmont Rd. (146322400034), 6095 Valmont Rd (146322400038), 6327 Valmont Rd. (146323000017), 6379 Valmont Rd (146323000030), 6379 Valmont Rd. (146323000031), and 6423 Valmont Rd. (146323000032), near the intersection of Stazio Drive and Valmont Road continuing northeast to approximately 1,500 feet south of the intersection of Jay Road and Carter Trail, in Sections 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, and 27, Township 1N, Range 70W.
    Zoning: Agricultural (A), General Industrial (GI), Light Industrial (LI), Manufactured Home (MH), Rural Residential (RR), Suburban Residential (SR) Zoning Districts
    Applicant: Cole Sigmon, City of Boulder
    Potentially Affected Property Owners: City of Boulder, County of Boulder, Daniel J. & Cindy Lisco, Regional Transportation District, Cullen Elizabeth, Indian Road Partners Ltd, Loveland Ready Mix Concrete Inc., Hugh & Lee Ann McGinty Revocable Trust, Valmont Community United Presbyterian Church, State of Colorado, Western Disposal, Inc., Hogan Keeter LLC, Gail Bishop, Lisa Elaine Holmquest, Steve Dunn & Lynn Rodenhizer, Veronica Ibarra, Butte Blacksmith Llc, John R Botterill Jr & Jan M Houck, Valmont Properties Llc, Harley I Jr & Joy E Keeter , Benjamin C & Mary Kay Keeter.
    Agent: Amber Dedus, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Inc.
    Staff Planner: Sean Gambrel
    Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners
    Public testimony will be taken

  • Public Hearing: Docket V-20-0002 Ryan Vacation
    Request: Request to vacate a portion of the Eastview Drive platted right-of-way, increasing the lot size from 0.88 acres to approximately 0.92 acres.
    Location: At 1375 Eastview Drive, Lot 45 Crestmoor, located on the north end of Eastview Drive, approximately 250 feet from its intersection with Crestmoor Drive, in Section 35, Township 1N, Range 70W.
    Zoning: Estate Residential
    Applicant/Property Owner: Daniel P. Ryan
    Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners
    Staff Planner: Jean (Raini) Ott
    Public testimony will be taken

  • Public Hearing: Docket V-20-0003 Walter Vacation
    Request: Request to vacate the Hill Street right-of-way east of Lot 5, Block 9 and west of Grove Street.
    Location: 350 Gold Run Street, 351 & 391 Grove Street, and Parcel No. 145912009001, located south of Gold Run Street and on the west side of Grove Street, Lots 1-5, Block 9 and Lot 1, Block 17 of the Gold Hill Townsite in Section 12, Township 1N, Range 72W.
    Zoning: Historic (H)
    Applicants/Property Owners: Robert Dale and Lynne Yvonne Walter
    Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners
    Staff Planner: Jean (Raini) Ott
    Public testimony will be taken

  • Public Hearing: Docket BCCP-20-0001 Geologic Hazard Mapping-Related Amendments
    The Community Planning & Permitting Department is updating the Geology Element of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan (BCCP) to incorporate improved geologic hazard and constraint mapping that represents the best available data on a range of geologic hazard features present in the county. The mapping was prepared with grant funds following the 2013 extreme rain event. That event changed the landscape, making some areas more susceptible to geologic hazards, and it increased awareness of the importance of understanding the geologic hazards and constraints present in the county. The proposed geologic hazard and constraint mapping will help ensure that properties are developed in a manner that addresses those risks. Minor revisions to the Geology Element of the BCCP also include updates to the definitions and policy sections of the element and a new guidelines table and map for providing further guidance when reviewing development on properties with potential geologic hazards. Final revisions to the Geology Element incorporate feedback obtained from public hearings held by Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners on February 19, 2020 and March 31, 2020 respectively.
    Action Requested: Decision
    Staff Planner: Chad Endicott
    Public testimony will be taken

  • Public Hearing: Docket BCCP-20-0002 Document Template Conversion-Related Amendments
    The Community Planning & Permitting Department has converted the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan (BCCP) document to a new graphic template to update the look and feel of the document and provide design consistency. Along with the graphics refresh, amendments to the document Introduction and overall organization are proposed. Final revisions to BCCP-20-0002 incorporate feedback obtained from public hearings held by Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners on February 19, 2020 and March 31, 2020 respectively.
    Action Requested: Decision
    Staff Planner: Molly Marcucilli
    Public testimony will be taken

  • Adjournment.

    Staff reports will be posted to the docket webpages linked above on May 13.

    Current and recent Planning Commission agendas, minutes, and archived video recordings are available on the Planning Commission webpage.