February 5, 2020
Boulder County Planning Commission agenda for Feb. 19, 2020
Planning Commission public meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.
Boulder County, Colo. - The next meeting of the Boulder County Planning Commission will be Wed., February 19, beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Boulder County Courthouse, Commissioners' Hearing Room, 3rd Floor
1325 Pearl St., Boulder
Map & Directions
Agenda items include:
Approval of minutes/miscellaneous business.
Staff update(s) on projects and/or development review items (if necessary). Informational item only, public testimony will not be taken.
Action Requested: Adoption
No public testimony will be taken.
Adoption of Planning Commission Resolution PC-2020-02 (Dockets BCCP-18-0004 and BCCP-18-0005: Boulder County Comprehensive Plan - Housing and Economics Elements)
On November 20, 2019 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution PC-2019-02 re: the Housing and Economic element of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan. The subject resolution, PC-2020-02, corrects clerical errors in Resolution PC-2019-02 and supersedes and replaces it in its entirety.
Action Requested: Adoption
No public testimony will be taken.
Authorization for the Planning Commission to go into executive session on March 2, 2020 at 3 p.m. with the County Attorney’s Office, pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(b), to discuss legal issues related to update of the County’s oil and gas regulations (Docket DC-19-0002).
Public Hearing: Docket V-19-0002: Ferncliff Vacation
Request: Request to vacate the entirety of the Park Street platted right-of- way, the portion of right-of-way for County Road 149 contained within parcel #119725000008, and the portion of the Spangler Street platted right-of-way adjacent to parcel #119725004001.
Location: Parcel #s 119725000002, 119725000007, 119725000008,
119725004001, 119725006001, 119725006002, on the east and west sides of State Highway 7 Business Route, approximately 0.5 mile northwest from its southern intersection with State Highway 7, Section 25, Township 3N, Range 73W.
Zoning: Forestry
Applicant: Danielle Lynn
Property Owners: Donald R. and Eileen L. Kvols, c/o Kenneth K. Kvols
Action Requested: Recommendation to BOCC
Staff Planner: Jean (Raini) Ott
Public testimony will be taken.
Public Hearing: Docket LE-19-0002 Town of Erie's Zone 3 Waterline Improvement Phase 2
Request: Location and Extent review for a 24" transmission waterline and public trail.
Location: At Parcel ID 146525000006 on the northeast corner of Arapahoe Road and North 119th Street, in Section 25, Township 1N, Range 69W.
Zoning: Agricultural (A) Zoning District
Applicant: Wendi Palmer, Town of Erie
Property Owner: Boulder County Parks & Open Space
Agent: JR Engineering LLC
Action Requested: Decision
Staff Planner: Lucas Buscher
Public testimony will be taken.
Public Hearing: Docket SU-18-0020 Gold Lake Ventures LLC
Request: Special Use Review and Site Specific Development Plan to modify specifics related to approved special events, construct new structures, remodel historic structures, and deconstruct existing structures on an approximately 90-acre parcel, located at 3371 Gold Lake Road.
Location: 3371 Gold Lake Road, on the north and south side of Gold Lake Road, approximately 2.60 miles from its intersection with CR 100, in Section 33, Township 2N, Range 72W.
Zoning: Forestry (F)
Applicant/Property Owner: Gold Lake Ventures LLC
Agents: Bob Dalton, Colorado Landmark Realtors and Jim Scott, New Beginning Builders
Action Requested: Recommendation to BOCC
Staff Planner: Summer Frederick
Public testimony will be taken.
Public Hearing: Docket BCCP-20-0001 Geologic Hazard Mapping-Related Amendments
In 2017 the county updated its geologic hazard mapping with post-flood grant funding. The updated mapping draws on best available data and methods to provide much more robust and granular geologic hazard data than was previously available. Staff presented Planning Commission (PC) with an update on the new mapping in March, 2018. With the support of PC and Board of County Commissioners staff requested quality control and peer review feedback from the Colorado Geologic Survey (CGS), with plans to ultimately seek BCCP adoption of revised mapping to replace the BCCP’s current Geologic Hazard and Constraint Areas Map. The county’s consultant executed minor map revisions based on CGS feedback. Staff requests approval of the new geologic hazard map, as well as minor revisions to the BCCP Geology element to appropriately reference the updated geologic hazard mapping.
Action Requested: Decision
Staff Planner: Chad Endicott
Public testimony will be taken.
Public Hearing: Docket BCCP-20-0002 BCCP Document Template Conversion-Related Amendments
The Community Planning & Permitting Department has converted the BCCP document to a new design to update the look and feel of the document and provide design consistency. Along with the graphics refresh, amendments to the document Introduction and overall organization are proposed.
Action Requested: Decision
Staff Planner: Molly Marcucilli
Public testimony will be taken.
Staff recommendations will be posted to the docket webpages on February 12.
The meeting will be livestreamed via the Boulder County Open Meeting Portal. Current and recent Planning Commission agendas, minutes, and archived video recordings are available on the Planning Commission webpage.