December 5, 2019
Boulder County Planning Commission agenda for December 18, 2019
Planning Commission public meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.
Boulder County, Colo. - The next meeting of the Boulder County Planning Commission will be Wed., December 18, 2019, beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Boulder County Courthouse, Commissioners' Hearing Room, 3rd Floor
1325 Pearl St., Boulder
Map & Directions
Agenda items include:
Approval of minutes/miscellaneous business.
Staff update(s) on projects and/or development review items (if necessary). Informational item only, public testimony will not be taken.
Request to vacate one half of a portion of the platted right-of-way for Spencer Avenue and the full platted right-of-way for a portion of the alley located between Spencer Avenue and Eldorado Avenue in the Eldora Townsite.
Location: 960 Eldorado Avenue, approximately 400 feet west of the intersection of Eldorado Avenue and 9th Street in the Eldora townsite, Section 21, Township 1S, Range 73W.
Zoning: Forestry
Applicant/Property Owner: Eyster Properties LLC c/o Brad Eyster, Managing Member
Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners
Public testimony will be taken
Staff Planner: Sean Gambrel
Public Hearing: Docket SU-18-0011 Mackintosh Academy
Special Use and Site Specific Development Plan review to amend an existing Special Use approval (SU-06-015) to allow an expanded use of the property, and to construct a new 9,109-square-foot building and new parking facilities, on a 22.5 acre parcel.
Location: 6717 S. Boulder Road, on the northwest corner of the intersection of S. Boulder Road and EDS Way (a private road), in Section 2, Township 1S, Range 70W.
Zoning: Estate Residential
Applicant/Property Owner: JJ Morrow, Mackintosh Academy; Agent: Danica Powell
Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners
Public testimony will be taken
Staff Planner: Summer Frederick
Request to amend Special Use Review (SU-94-17) to allow for the construction of a 568-space parking lot located at 2861 Lake Eldora Ski Road.
Location: 2861 Lake Eldora Ski Road, parcel #s 158300300022 and 158300301001, at the end of Lake Eldora Ski Road, approximately 2.6 miles west of its intersection with Eldora Road, in Sections 29 & 30, Township 1S, Range 73W.
Zoning: Forestry
Applicants/Property Owners: Ertl, Inc. c/o Donna Cartwright & Eldora Mountain Resort c/o Bret Tregaskis
Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners
Public testimony will be taken
Staff Planner: Summer Frederick
Boulder County Transportation Staff will present to the Planning Commission the final Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Staff will summarize changes since the draft document, including responding to Planning Commission feedback.
Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners
Public testimony will be taken
Staff Planners: Stacey Proctor, Scott McCarey
In the Open Space Element of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan, passive recreation is defined, in part, as non-motorized. In the wake of a 2017 change in Colorado state law addressing how e-bikes are classified and where they are allowed, county staff conducted public outreach about e-bikes in 2018 and conducted research and outreach during an e-bike pilot project in 2019. Based on research and outreach results during the e-bike pilot, the Boulder County Commissioners made a policy decision to allow e-bikes on plains trails where conventional bikes are allowed. Staff will bring updated recommendations for amending the passive recreation definition based on the Planning Commission study session discussion and input from the Board of Commissioners.
Action Requested: Decision
Public testimony will be taken
Staff Planners: Tina Nielsen
Staff recommendations will be posted to the docket webpages on December 11.
The meeting will be livestreamed via the Boulder County Open Meeting Portal. Current and recent Planning Commission agendas, minutes, and archived video recordings are available on the Planning Commission webpage.