Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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December 21, 2022

Boulder County Government announces weather-related closures

Boulder County Government announces weather-related closures

Boulder County, Colo. - Due to the expected record-setting severe cold and windy weather conditions, Boulder County (including the 20th Judicial District Court and the District Attorney’s Office) will be closed Thursday, Dec. 22 and Friday, Dec. 23. County offices will remain closed on Monday, Dec. 26 for the scheduled holiday. Offices will reopen on Tuesday, Dec. 27.

This closure does not impact 24/7 public safety and road maintenance operations.

Please review the Boulder County Public Health Advisory for guidance and suggestions on staying safe in the dangerously cold temperatures and wind chill forecast for Boulder County.

The City of Boulder, in partnership with Boulder County and the Boulder Office of Emergency Management, have set up a 24 hour emergency warming center at the East Boulder Community Center, which will remain open until the morning of Saturday, Dec. 24.

Visit for services that can be conducted online.