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ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

February 7, 2020

Media Contact:

Mircalla Wozniak, Communications Specialist, 303.413.7766

Boulder County equipment testing successfully completed for March 3 Presidential Primary Election

Boulder County, Colo. – Ballots and equipment to be used in the county’s upcoming Presidential Primary Election passed a required Logic and Accuracy Test (LAT) held this week.

Representatives from the local Democratic and Republican parties took part in testing at the Boulder County Clerk & Recorder's Office and confirmed the equipment’s ability to properly read ballots and correctly tabulate votes.

The LAT also confirmed ballots are properly printed for the election and the equipment is accurately calibrated to process ballots. Each type of ballot and all ballot styles were tested. In all, 1,540 ballots were tested, including 1,490 mail ballots and 50 ballots generated using ballot marking devices.

Each piece of equipment used during the LAT has been cleared of test votes and reset to zero, ensuring the equipment is ready to count live ballots for the Primary Election.

Results and test records are available for review at under the Election Information section.

Boulder County voters can also visit to register to vote, check and update their voter registration, view ballot content and learn more about local elections.

They can also call 303-413-7740 for more information or visit one of three Boulder County Clerk & Recorder's Office branches: 1750 33rd St. in Boulder; 529 Coffman St. in Longmont; or 1376 Miners Drive in Lafayette. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.