October 19, 2023
Media Contact:
Mircalla Wozniak, Communications Specialist, 303.413.7766
Boulder County Elections to host webinar on election night and post-election ballot processing information
Boulder County, Colo. – Boulder County Clerk & Recorder Molly Fitzpatrick will host an “Election Night and Beyond – What to Expect” webinar. During the presentation, we will discuss what categories and types of ballots are left to be counted in the immediate days after Election Day and how the process works. This will include how to review the ranked choice voting results. Additionally, we will also outline how to calculate outstanding ballots left to be counted compared to ballot returns.
Ballot processing does not end on election night. In fact, Boulder County Elections usually processes ballots Wednesday, Thursday, and sometimes Friday. Then, there is a voter “cure” period and additional time to process and count ballots up until the 9th day after the election.
What: Election Night and Beyond – What to Expect webinar (including RCV results)
When: Friday, October 27 at 12 p.m. The presentation is expected to last 30-45 minutes, including Q&A.
Who should attend: Open to all, but presentation is geared to press covering elections – especially reporters who have not covered close elections or ranked choice voting prior, candidate/issue campaign representatives, political parties, and city clerks/special district officials
Where: At your own computer
RSVP: RSVP at www.BoCo.org/ElectionNight&Beyond
Learn about how in every election there are “categories” of ballots that will be counted and others that have the potential to be counted on the 9th day after the election. For instance, military and overseas mail ballots can be received up until November 15 and still be counted. This is also the deadline for voters who have a signature discrepancy or missing signature to “cure” their ballot envelope.
This webinar is meant to help bring clarity in terms of how the final ballots are processed and what will and what may be outstanding several days after the election. This information is especially important if a contest is close. Note that our office does not “call” contests. Our position is that the election is not final until certification, which occurs at the final Canvass Board Meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, November 28.
Additionally, the webinar will cover the election night results reporting process, watcher information, recount scenarios, and Colorado’s election audit (risk limiting audit).
If you have any questions or would like more information about the upcoming election, please visit www.BoulderCountyVotes.gov or call 303-413-7740.