Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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March 24, 2021

Boulder County Commissioners remove Rainbow Tree Nursery site from consideration for development of a compost facility

Boulder County Commissioners remove Rainbow Tree Nursery site from consideration for the development of a compost facility

While construction of a proposed facility will not move forward at this location, Boulder County remains committed to actively pursuing waste diversion solutions that will further the county’s goal of Zero Waste, or darn near, by 2025.

(Boulder County, Colo. -- March 24, 2021) -- On March 4, the Boulder County Commissioners gave direction for county staff to withdraw the Special Use Review and Subdivision Exemption applications for the proposed composting facility at the former Rainbow Tree Nursery site on US Highway 287 between CO 52 and Lookout Road in unincorporated Boulder County.

After careful analysis of concerns identified during design development, including additional cost information, site-specific engineering challenges, additional market analysis information, and concerns expressed by the public regarding the process of community engagement, the commissioners have removed the former Rainbow Tree Nursery site from consideration for the development of a compost facility.

While construction of a proposed facility will not move forward at this location, Boulder County remains committed to actively pursuing waste diversion solutions that will further the county’s goal of "Zero Waste, or darn near," by 2025.

County staff from multiple departments are currently refining a work plan for pursuing this goal, which will include opportunities for public involvement. More information on potential solutions and engagement opportunities will be made available as they are known.

Ideas or solutions about composting in Boulder County can be submitted using the project comment form. In addition, interested parties can register for the project listserv to receive news and information about this project including public engagement opportunities.

Submit Comments or Sign-Up for the Composting Solutions Listserv