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June 30, 2022

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging Invites Older Adults, Caregivers, and Veterans to Connect Through the Agency’s July Programming

Connect with staff to participate in any of the offered services

Boulder County, Colo. The Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA) advocates for, funds, and provides delivery services that promote the well-being, independent and dignity of older adults, people living with disabilities, family and informal caregivers, and Veterans. BCAAA invites community members to connect with the agency through our July programming!

Matter of Balance

Many older adults experience concerns about falling which restricts daily activities and quality of life. This eight-week program is designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. You will learn to view falls as controllable, how to change your environment to reduce risk factors, and learn exercises to increase strength and balance.The class will be held on Tuesdays, July 12 through Aug. 30 from 1-3 p.m. at the Lafayette Senior Center. Learn more and register here.

Caregiver Education Series

The upcoming programs offer information on embracing death and dying, protecting yourself from injuries, collecting versus hoarding, and preparing for caregiving. Learn more about the caregiver education series at

The BCAAA’s Caregiver Initiative empowers and supports caregivers and care partners through their caregiving journey. BCAAA provides valuable information, resource coordination, and referrals to caregivers. Programs are offered to caregivers of any age who assist a person age 60 or older (or of any age is the person has dementia). Learn more at

SHIP Medicare Counseling & Classes

Boulder County’s SHIP Medicare Counseling Team provides Medicare Basics classes, individual assistance, and fraud prevention to Boulder County residents. The Medicare team encourages residents who have questions about Medicare to reach out to staff at no cost. Staff can help inform clients in making Medicare decisions. This program is for residents who are turning 64 or receiving SSDI and transitioning to Medicare. Contact BCAAA staff to learn more and register for classes at

Veterans Services

The Boulder County Veterans Services Office develops and submits claims for benefits to the Department of Veterans Affairs for eligible Veterans and their dependents. General benefits include service-connected disability, non-service connected disability pension, medical, home loans, burial benefits, survivors benefits, and much more. Learn more and watch informative videos at