November 7, 2023
Boulder County and Partners Honor Veterans in November, County Offices Closed Friday, Nov. 10
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Nov. 7, 2023
Media Contact
Gloria Handyside (303) 441-1622
Boulder County and Partners Honor Veterans in November, County Offices Closed Friday, Nov. 10
Residents Invited To Attend the Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 11 in Longmont
Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County’s Veteran Service Officers and partners from across Boulder County and beyond are coming together to celebrate and support Boulder County’s veterans and their families.
Longmont Veterans Day Parade
Join organizations across Boulder County on Veterans Day (Saturday, Nov. 11), for the Longmont Veterans Day Parade. The parade begins at 11:11 a.m. and runs south on Main St. from 8th, turns west on 3rd Ave., and heads north on Coffman St., ending at 8th.
Veterans Stand Down (Veterans-only event)
Veterans in need or experiencing homelessness are invited to attend the Veterans Stand Down to connect to resources including VA benefits/PACT Act, housing and employment connections, basic medical services, laundry, clothing, haircuts, showers, legal information, and much more. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
When: Thursday, Nov. 16, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Where: American Legion John Harold Buckley Post 32 (315 South Bowen St., Longmont)
Proclamation Honoring Those Who Served
The Boulder County Commissioners presented a proclamation on Tuesday, Nov. 7, in honor of Boulder County’s veterans.
(Pictured: The Boulder County Commissioners with representatives from Boulder County Veteran Services, the Veterans Community Project, and American Legion Post #32.)
County Office Closure
Boulder County Government offices (including the 20th Judicial District Court and the District Attorney's Office) will be closed Friday, Nov. 10, in observance of Veterans Day. The closure does not include 24/7 public safety, child and adult protection, and maintenance operations. Visit Boulder County’s website for services that can be conducted online. Hours and holiday closures are also available on the county’s website.
Boulder County Veterans Service Officers
The Boulder County Veteran Service Office provides U.S. military veterans and their dependents with access to benefits through local, state, federal, and nonprofit programs. Our accredited officers provide assistance with advising, educating, and submission of VA disability benefits and their programs. The Veteran Service Office is not an entity of the Veterans Administration but is licensed and accredited representatives of the Veteran’s Benefits Administration. Boulder County’s Veteran Services Officers (VSOs) are pleased to serve those who have served our country and their dependents. Learn more at
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