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November 24, 2020

Board of County Commissioners Dec. 3, 2020 Virtual Public Hearing on Docket DC-19-0005

Attend or speak at the Virtual Public Hearing on Docket DC-19-0005 and the Short-Term Dwelling Rental Licensing Ordinance at 9 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 3

Boulder County, CO - The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will hold a Virtual Public Hearing on Docket DC-19-0005: Proposed Boulder County Land Use Code Text Amendments related to Lodging Uses - Short-Term Dwelling Rentals and Bed and Breakfast, and the Short-Term Dwelling Rental Licensing Ordinance at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020.

The BOCC will hold two separate public hearings to consider the final adoption of the proposed Short-Term Dwelling Rental and Bed and Breakfast Text Amendments and the proposed Short-Term Rental Licensing Ordinance 2020-01.

What: Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Virtual Public Hearing: Docket DC-19-0005, and the Short-Term Dwelling Rental Licensing Ordinance
When: 9 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020
Where: Virtual Public Hearing via Zoom. Register to attend or speak at the hearing. (view hearing details and speaker information below)
Item No. 1: Community Planning & Permitting Department Docket DC- 19-0005: Proposed Boulder County Land Use Code Text Amendments related to Lodging Uses – Short-Term Dwelling Rentals and Bed and Breakfast. Public testimony will be taken.
BOCC Action Requested: Approval /Adoption
Item No. 2: Second Reading of the Boulder County Commissioners’ Ordinance No. 2020-01: An Ordinance by the Board of County Commissioners for the County of Boulder for the Licensing of Short-Term Rentals and Vacation Rentals within the Unincorporated Area of Boulder County.
BOCC Action Requested: Approval /Adoption

Beginning at 9 a.m. on Dec. 3, the Board will hold a public hearing to first consider the Text Amendments. Immediately following that public hearing, the Board will hold a public hearing to consider Ordinance No. 2020-01: An Ordinance by the Board of County Commissioners for the County of Boulder for the Licensing of Short-Term Rentals within the Unincorporated Area of Boulder County. View or download the staff recommendations for each public hearing:

Staff has not changed the proposed Short-Term Dwelling Rental and Bed & Breakfast Text Amendments since the Planning Commission Hearing on Oct. 21, 2020. Instead, staff addressed the public testimony and written public comments and Planning Commission’s directive in the Staff Recommendation for the Text Amendments.

Staff made minor changes to the Licensing Ordinance since the version published as part of the Planning Commission hearing on October 21, 2020. View the changes shown in redline.

Staff looks forward to more comments and discussion at the public hearings in front of the Board of County Commissioners. If the Board of County Commissioners approves and adopts the Text Amendments and the Licensing Ordinance, staff will then work on an implementation plan. There will be some grace period to allow staff and the public to get familiarized with the new regulations

The proposed changes are for the unincorporated areas of Boulder County, not in cities like Boulder or Longmont. Boulder County’s unincorporated areas comprise the rural, mountainous and plains communities that are not a part of any incorporated municipality.

For more information, contact Jasmine Rodenburg at or 303-441-1735, or visit the project webpage.

Hearing Details

The Dec. 3 virtual public hearing will be conducted using Zoom. A Zoom account is not required to join, but registration is required both to attend and/or to speak during the public comment portion of the hearing. You may register as an Individual Speaker, or a Pool Group Speaker, or as an Attendee-Only (non-speaker).

You may join the virtual hearing online or via telephone. Public testimony on Dec. 3 will begin after a presentation by staff.

Time allotments on Dec. 3 for speakers will be:

  • Individual speakers will receive 3 minutes to make their comments
  • Two people pooling their time will have 6 minutes total (designated speaker for the pool will speak)
  • Three people pooling their time will have 9 minutes total
  • Four or more people pooling their time will have 10 minutes total

Note: All individuals donating/pooling time will need to be present at the virtual hearing when the designated pool speaker for the pool is called.

Online speaker registrations are automatically time-stamped at time of sign-up. Those timestamps will determine the order in which speakers will be called to address the board.

Screen sharing will not be available for public use during the hearing. Members of the public may provide materials to staff for review by the Board of County Commissioners ahead of the public hearing for review. Written comments on proposed text amendments and/or the proposed Short-Term Dwelling Rental Licensing Ordinance may be submitted online.