Mobility for All is excited to share that we'll be launching our Driver Recognition Campaign on social media soon! This campaign will feature interviews and quotes from some of the most beloved drivers in our area, along with stories from riders about how these drivers have made a difference in their lives. The project, led by Jessica Villena Sanchez, began in late 2023 with a survey to find these "Mobility Heroes." Our goal is to honor and celebrate the incredible drivers who make a positive impact on others through their work. These stories will be shared as posts and videos on our Instagram and Facebook pages!
August 26, 2024
August 2024 Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC) Agenda and Newsletter
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Meeting Agenda
Thank you to the amazing presenters and to those who attended the MAC meeting this August!
Organizational Updates
- RTD TABOR Cap Exemption, RTD Director Lynn Guissinger
- Youth Fare Free, Brandon Figliolino
- Mobility Options Flyers & Posters Distribution, Melissa Hunter
- Mountain Rides, Jessica Villena Sanchez
- Mobility Heroes Celebration, Jessica Villena Sanchez
- Ride NoCo Volunteer Trip Exchange, Cory Schmitt
- Joint In-Person Northern Colorado Mobility Committees & Boulder County MAC Meeting in December, Cory, Jessica
- Safe Routes to School Lafayette Elementary School Project, Melissa Hunter
- Longmont Vision Zero Action, Cammie Edson
- Longmont Transportation Mobility Plans, Carly Sieff
- Next MAC Meeting is on September 17th, 1:00-2:30pm
If you missed our August MAC meeting, click here. All of our MAC meetings are posted to M4A's YouTube Channel!
MAC Meetings
- 3rd Tuesday of Month from 1:00-2:30pm (Register in Advance)
To Join the Mobility and Access Coalition Email List, Contact:
Aug 27: Ride Free Lafayette & Lyons Flyer Public Meeting
Aug 28: When Driving is Not an Option Virtual Book Talk
Aug 28: CU Football Pearl Street Stampede
Aug 29: Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) Project Open House
Aug 30: DRMAC Transit to Wellness Expo 2024
Sept 6: A Taste of Nepal 2024
Sept 7: Superior's 2024 Chili and Beer Fest
Sept 7: Niwot's 4th Annual Honeybee Harvest Festival
Sept 12: CDOT Small Business Forum
Sept 12: “Escaping the Housing Trap” presentation in Longmont
Sept 14: TEDxBoulder
Sept 19: Gabbing with Gabe & Gisa - RTD Listening Event
Sept 19: Cultural Awareness to Cultural Humility Training
Sept 20-21: 2024 NOYS National Youth Transportation Equity Convening
Sept 21: National Federation of the Blind - Spero Wine and Dine
It is Boulder County policy to make county programs, meetings, activities, and services accessible to individuals with disabilities, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need special assistance, contact the ADA Coordinator at 303-441-3525 at least 72 hours before the scheduled event.
CEQ Summit - White House Summit on Environmental Justice in Action
On June 24, the Biden-Harris Administration made several announcements to advance the President’s strong commitment to environmental justice at the first-ever White House Summit on Environmental Justice in Action. The Department of Transportation took part in the event. You can watch a recording of the summit here.
E-Bike Safety Campaign
"A dedicated group of local partners, experts, schools, teens, and families has launched the "You Have the Power/Tienes el Poder" campaign, in response to the increasing popularity of e-bikes among teens and the growing concerns surrounding e-bike safety.
For more information on the campaign and to access the full range of resources, visit the Boulder County Youth Transportation website."
Update: Boulder County's New Resource Guide!
It’s here! Boulder County’s new resource guide is a snapshot of Boulder County government’s services, departments, and programs. It’s a great way to learn more about what the county does and what services it provides. Check out the digital version here. And after you read it, please send us your feedback by filling out this survey.
M4A Highlight
RTD Civil Rights Mixtape 60th Anniversary
The "60 Years of Civil Rights: A Community Mixtape Celebration" on July 20 at the Studio Loft was a lively event organized by the RTD Civil Rights Division with support from groups like the Denver NAACP and ACLU Colorado. It included music, food, poetry, and speeches to celebrate six decades of civil rights progress. The event honored past efforts and highlighted the ongoing work for social justice.
Do you use a mobility aid? Please take this survey!
If you use a wheelchair, walker, cane, or other mobility aid, we need your help. Researchers from the University of Washington are running a survey to learn more about mobility barriers and how people with mobility devices experience different sidewalk obstacles.
Your answers will help create better routing and map features for people who use mobility devices. Everyone who qualifies will get $10 for completing this survey.
Provide Input on the Town of Nederland's Multimodal Transportation Plan!
The Town of Nederland is asking for your feedback on the Multimodal Transportation Plan (MTP). We want your input to help improve the plan before we finalize it for the Board of Trustees. This quick survey will help us understand what’s most important for improving our transportation system. Take the survey here.
Veterans Stand Down and Resource Fair!
The Veterans Stand Down & Resource Fair will be on Thursday, Oct. 17, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at American Legion Post 32 (315 South Bowen St., Longmont). There will be services and resources available, including help with VA benefits, basic medical care, housing and job resources, cold weather gear, haircuts and hygiene items, disability support, and legal assistance. View the flyer here.
News Articles
RTD is planning to expand its services in 2025 after years of stagnation, CPR News
USDOT Warns Congress That Americans Need to Drive Less to Survive Climate Change, Streetsblog USA
Bikeshare Ridership Numbers and Costs Are Soaring, Government Technology
- Free bus fare didn't yield better air, Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine
Greeley secures $3.5M for new buses to make daily trips to and from Loveland, MSN
Cyclists from around the world ‘Ride for Magnus’ in Boulder, CPR News
- Construction could start in September on Colo. 119 transportation project, The Daily Camera
- The Wheels on the Bus: The best and worst bus stops in Boulder for wheelchair users, Boulder Weekly
RTD celebrates Women's Equality Day: Bridging Historical Achievements with Transportation Equity, RTD News Stop
Podcasts and Audio Content
- Making Colorado parks and trails more equitable, CPR news
- Impacting Change Through Advocacy, Steering Change Podcast
- 8 Steps to Conducting a Regional Transit Development Plan, The Modern Mobility Podcast
- Not So Fast! Can driver behavior influence how speed limits are set?, Thinking Transportation Podcast
Webinars and Trainings
- Shifting Narratives to Prevent Bicyclist & Pedestrian Deaths, free online course developed by the Center for Urban Transportation Research
Who Works in Transit? Establishing a Baseline of Transit Workforce Diversity, hosted by Research Snaps on Tues., Sept. 3rd from 12:00-12:30pm
- When Driving Is Not An Option, hosted by America Walks on Wed., Sept. 4th at 12:00pm
Celebrating Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day, hosted by Safe Routes Partnership on Wed., Sept. 4th at 12:00pm
TRB Webinar: Tactile Wayfinding—Improving Access for People with Vision Disabilities, hosted by the Transportation Research Board on Wed., Sept. 11th from 12:00 - 1:30pm
Grant Opportunities:
- FY 2024 Enhancing Mobility Innovation, application deadline Aug. 30th
- Community Accelerated Mobility Project (CAMP), application for first round of funding due Oct. 8th
Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities
- Bilingual Organizer, Together Colorado
- Colorado Disability Opportunity Office Director, State of Colorado
- Transit Compliance Specialist, Boulder County
Assistant Director for Leadership & Cultural Engagement, CU Boulder
Learn about mobility options and resources in our region:
For Mobility for All Information and Assistance, please schedule a phone call or virtual appointment with a Mobility Specialist.
- Boulder County: Mobility for All Options
- Denver Metro Region: DRMAC Getting There Guide
- Northern Colorado Region: RideNoCo
- Boulder Transportation Connections Transportation Options
- Commuting Solutions Options
Boulder County Mobility and Access Coalition's Vision is an equitable transportation network that empowers people of all ages and abilities to move in and beyond the Boulder County community.