Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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February 25, 2022

ARPA working groups appointed to advise effective and equitable investment of federal pandemic relief funds

The American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) working groups advising Boulder County on investments to address Economic Challenges, Housing Affordability, and Mental Health and Social Resilience will recommend strategic allocation of ARPA funding to foster a strong and equitable recovery in Boulder County. The virtual kick-off meeting is Monday, February 28.

Boulder County, Colo. -- The Boulder County ARPA Steering Committee has appointed three working groups to co-create solutions to the most concerning issues voiced by Boulder County residents since the start of the pandemic: Economic Challenges, Housing Affordability, Mental Health, and Social Resilience. The groups will work as collaborative teams from February to May of 2022 to make recommendations to the Boulder County Board of Commissioners (BOCC), identifying projects to effectively invest federal ARPA funds.

“With this opportunity, the community ARPA Steering Committee continues to bring different voices to the conversation with a unique perspective and experience in the focus areas identified by Boulder County residents as the most challenging during and after the pandemic,” added Commissioner Marta Loachamin. “We invited organizations that understand the needs and concerns of our community.”

The working groups are comprised of individuals that have close involvement with communities affected by socio-economic, accessibility, and other challenges. Participants are community members, nonprofit leaders, policy experts, and county leadership who have experience and understanding of the main challenges exacerbated by the pandemic.

“We are excited by the positive response and willingness of our community leaders to participate in this collaborative effort to support an equitable recovery that addresses racial, health, and economic disparities,” said Boulder County Commissioner Matt Jones. “The County is looking for an inclusive process that reflects the diversity and representation of the communities in need. Each one of the members is dedicating their vital knowledge and bringing their expertise to the priority areas of investment for the residents of Boulder County.”

The Boulder County working groups for ARPA funds will begin their working sessions in February. The meetings will be held virtually and will identify initiatives that can support a response and recovery from the pandemic and ensure that the disproportionate effects of COVID on communities are minimized.

Recordings of these meetings will be available on in March.

Last fall, Boulder County partnered with Boulder County Arts Alliance, Community Foundation Boulder County, Front Range Community College, Human Services Alliance of Boulder County, Northwest Chamber Alliance, and Peak to Peak Housing & Human Services Alliance to engage residents, businesses, and students in an outreach process regarding how the federal ARPA pandemic recovery funding could make the greatest positive impact. Boulder County was allocated $63,359,749, with half of the funding received in 2021 and the remainder anticipated to be disbursed mid-2022.

For more information, updates, and next steps about Boulder County’s allocation of local government ARPA funding go to

ARPA working groups schedule:

Kick-off meeting: Feb. 28, 2022

Working Group Sessions: March through April 2022

Presentation to BOCC, including public comment: May 2022

Headshots of three current commissioners in horizontal alignment with their names to the right of each photo