November 20, 2024
East County Residents Encouraged to Apply for a Position on the Emergency Services Grant Program Advisory Committee
Deadline to apply: Thursday, December 12
Help improve fire protection and trail safety in Boulder County!
Boulder County is recruiting for one open position on the Emergency Services Grant Program Advisory Committee. The open position is for a Boulder County resident who is served by a rural fire district or fire department in the eastern part of Boulder County (generally, the areas east of Foothills Highway (US 36) or SH 93/Broadway).
The position will serve a three-year term.
The Emergency Services Sales & Use Tax was approved by voters as County Issue 1B in 2022. Revenues from the tax are used to help provide financial assistance to underfunded or under-resourced organizations providing emergency services—such as firefighting or search and rescue—in the rural and mountain areas of Boulder County.
Emergency Services Advisory Committee
The nine-member committee gives input twice a year to the Boulder County Sheriff's Office and the Board of County Commissioners on how the grant revenues should be spent.
In addition to recruiting members with hands-on emergency services and search & rescue response, the county is seeking the perspective of trail users, members of the accessibility community, and outdoor recreation enthusiasts.
We strive for a diverse and inclusive committee that welcomes and encourages all community points of view!
Time Commitment
The committee meets the fourth Tuesday of the month (virtually, on Zoom) from 6-8 p.m. during the winter, spring, and fall months. Typically, the committee goes into recess during the summer months.
Additional meetings are scheduled twice a year to review grant applications and make recommendations Boulder County. Occasionally, the committee meets in person (in Boulder).
A commitment of eight to ten hours twice a year is anticipated for the two rounds of grant awards.
- To apply, visit: Boards & Commissions Vacancies
- See: Emergency Services Grant Program for more information about the program and advisory committee.
- Contact Robin Valdez at ravaldez@bouldercounty.org for help with the application process.
Deadline to apply: Thursday, December 12, by 11:59 p.m.