Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

News Archive
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April 8, 2022

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

2022-2025 DRCOG Transportation Improvement Program

Staff from Boulder County jurisdictions are reviewing preliminary project ideas on April 11

Boulder County, Colo. - In May-June 2022, the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) will be conducting the second of two calls for projects to program funding for the 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This second call for projects will be subregional call, with a specific amount of funding available for each county geography, or Forum, within the Denver metro area. The Boulder County Forum will be allotted $16M in this call for projects.

For this call, project applicants must submit projects that are consistent with reducing congestion and/or improving air quality. Notable project types that are not allowable include roadway capital projects, roadway reconstruction projects, and bridge replacement/rehabilitation projects.

On April 11, 2022, staff from Boulder County jurisdictions are reviewing preliminary project ideas for this call for projects. The public is invited to provide comments on the project ideas during this meeting or in advance. Project summaries, a meeting link, and contact info to provide comments are available on the Boulder County Subregional Forum webpage.

After project applications are submitted in June 2022, Boulder County jurisdictions will score the applications and recommend a package of projects to fund to the DRCOG Board of Directors, which will make the final decision on project funding in September 2022. The DRCOG Board of Directors is made up of one representative from each county and municipality within the Denver metro area.

US 36 highway traffic road