February 25, 2020
2020 Colorado County Clerks Association Scholarship Application Information
Note: This announcement has been shared with the public school districts that overlap Boulder County.
Scholarship available to graduating senior – apply today!
The Colorado County Clerks Association will grant 3 regional one-time awards of $1,000 and 2 regional awards for $500 to seniors graduating from Colorado high schools to further their education at any university, college, junior college or technical institution.
Selection will be based on the following:
- Completed application
- 3.25 GPA Minimum
- Participation in extracurricular, community and service activities
- Financial need/hardship
Financial aid awarded by the association will be remitted to the institution of attendance and will be credited to the student's account.
The Boulder County student resident deadline to apply is Friday, March 27, 2020. See application for additional details on timeline and award/selection process. Download the application here.
Questions? Students, not parents, please email or call Mircalla Wozniak, mwozniak@bouldercounty.org or 303.413.7766.
Good luck!