Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Commissioner Claire Levy

District 1 - Commissioner Claire Levy

Claire Levy was re-elected to the Board of County Commissioners in 2024, with a term continuing through January 2029.

Head shot County Commissioner Claire Levy

Commissioner Claire Levy

Prior to becoming commissioner, Claire represented Boulder, Gilpin, Clear Creek, Grand, and Jackson counties at the Colorado legislature from 2007-2013. She served as Speaker Pro Tem, Majority Whip, Vice-chair of the Joint Budget Committee, Chair of the Appropriations Committee, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, and served on several ethics investigation committees.

After the legislature, she became Executive Director of the Colorado Center on Law and Policy, a nonprofit that advocates for the health and economic security of low-income Coloradans.

In addition, she served the people of Boulder County for over 25 years in a volunteer capacity on the Boulder Planning Board, Boulder County Parks and Open Space and Advisory Committee, the board of PLAN Boulder County, Boulder Arts Academy, and Boulder Ballet, as well as on the board of Boulder Housing Partners, the city of Boulder’s affordable housing provider. She is a former member of the Statewide Access to Justice Commission.

As a County Commissioner, Claire is eager to work on increasing access to affordable housing and economic security, protecting our environment with renewable energy, and fostering racial equity, diversity, and inclusivity in Boulder County.

Originally from Indiana, Claire went to college in Minnesota and law school in Ohio before moving to Colorado in 1982. She has two adult daughters who live in New York City and Washington D.C. and a husband who happily retired from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

She is happiest when hiking in the wilderness and county open space, gardening, or walking with her rescued greyhound, a breed with which she is smitten. Claire also enjoys reading (fiction and non-fiction) and talking about current events. She is a resident of Boulder.

All three commissioners are elected ‘at-large’ (meaning all voters have the opportunity to vote for all three commissioners) and represent the whole of Boulder County.

For matters being considered by the Board of County Commissioners or for matters you would like the board to consider, email the board at To contact Commissioner Levy on topics unrelated to decisions and actions by the board, email Commissioner Levy at

For media queries, contact Gloria Handyside by email,, or phone 303-441-1622.

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Commissioners’ Office
Boulder County Courthouse
Third Floor
1325 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address

PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306