Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Housing Authority
Residential housing rental building with an parking lot.

Boulder County Housing Authority

In the communities in which we work, the Boulder County Housing Authority (BCHA) is a long-term partner. We are committed to transparency and public process in all we do, and we work to ensure our affordable housing developments are high quality and reflective of the communities in which they are built.

BCHA is the housing authority for all areas of Boulder County outside the city limits of Longmont and Boulder, including the cities of Lafayette and Louisville, and the towns of Superior, Nederland, and Erie, and all unincorporated areas of the county. BCHA’s mission is to foster the availability of quality, affordable housing and related housing services for the residents of Boulder County. BCHA also works in partnership with the cities of Boulder and Longmont to help increase the supply and availability of affordable homes throughout these communities.

The Boulder County Housing Authority Board meets monthly. Agendas and meeting packets are posted prior to meetings, and past and upcoming meetings can be viewed on the county’s Public Meetings, Hearings, Records & Video Archives page.

Cover page of the 2024 Annual BCHA Report.

Housing Authority 2024 Annual Report

We are excited to share BCHA’s 2024 Annual Report. This eight-page document outlines our work managing, maintaining, and improving 36 different properties, as well as the services we provided to 2,868 residents and our future development plans. If you would like this report in another language, please contact

Our Mission: BCHA exists to provide safe, affordable housing for low-income families and individuals. We work to manage resources responsibly and help residents build stronger futures. Through community partnerships and supportive programs, we aim to help families move toward financial independence and transition from subsidized to non-subsidized housing. Our focus is on creating high-quality, permanently affordable housing and connecting residents with the resources they need to thrive.

Our Vision: We imagine a future where everyone in Boulder County has a safe, affordable place to call home. By working with the community and offering strong programs and services, we help families build a better future.

Boulder County Housing Authority

Please note that visits to our main office are by appointment only.

518 Coffman Street
Longmont, CO 80501
Phone: (303) 441-3929
Fax: (720) 564-2283

Contact Information by division:

Property Management Team
Phone: (720) 564-2267

Maintenance Team

Service Hours Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. For life Threatening Emergencies, call 911 immediately.

Urgent Requests – (303) 370-9299
Routine Requests – (720) 864-6400

Housing Choice Voucher & Compliance Team

Housing Waitlist Administrator

Phone: 303-678-6007

Tanya Wardal, Housing Specialist

Phone: 303-441-1542

Maricela Cardenas, Housing Specialist and Portability Administrator

Phone: 303-441-1061
Portability Documents Email:

Patricia Villalobos, Housing Specialist

Phone: 720-766-2930

Meury Brown, Housing Specialist

Phone: 303-682-6814

MacKenzie Houpt, Housing Specialist

Phone: 720-693-5101

Melissa Razo, Housing Specialist Supervisor

Phone: 720-564-2287

Kelly Gonzalez, Housing Choice Voucher Program Manager

Phone: 303-441-4944

Domingo Garza, Compliance Program Manager

Phone: 720-864-6616

Layla Stewart, Compliance Supervisor

Phone: 720-564-2277

Amanda Guthrie, Director of Housing Operations

Phone: 720-564-2280

Equal Housing Opportunity logoFair Housing and Reasonable Accommodation

Boulder County Housing Authority

Boulder County, in accordance with the Fair Housing Act, prohibits discrimination in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, familial status or national origin.

Reasonable accommodations may be requested to ensure equal access by people with disabilities to its programs and activities. To request an accommodation, please call 303-441-3929 press option 1 for English and option 0 to leave a message for the receptionist or

Information about reasonable accommodation policies and the request process for applicants, tenants and program participants may be found on the Fair Housing and Reasonable Accommodation page.

Contact Us


Phone: 303-441-3929
TTY: 1-800-659-3656 or 7-1-1
Fax: 720-564-2283

Mailing Address

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

Housing website