Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

COVID-19 School Recommendations

School & Child Care Recommendations

En Español

School & Child Care Recommendations

Schools are advised to follow the CDPHE Infectious disease guidelines for schools and child care settings. This includes guidance for COVID-19 as well as for other reportable conditions and outbreaks. Within the guidelines are infection prevention practices that are part of the broad approach to preventing infectious diseases in school settings. The guidelines include information and recommendations about cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette.

Schools are encouraged to continue a layered mitigation strategy to control the transmission of all communicable diseases among staff and students. Schools are advised to encourage vaccination of all members of their school community, encourage testing for COVID-19 and other illnesses, and encourage parents and staff to follow the “How Sick is Too Sick” guidance for exclusion when a student or staff is ill.

Ongoing Disease Control Activities

Case Investigation

Colorado regulation 6 CCR 1009-1 Rules and Regulations pertaining to Epidemic and Communicable Disease Control requires schools and childcare facilities to report to public health reportable diseases, conditions, and related events. State law also requires schools and child care facilities to cooperate with BCPH in timely reporting, communication, and sharing of records related to investigation and disease control activities.

Routine Reporting of Increases in Respiratory Illnesses

If a facility observes an increase in rates of respiratory illnesses or detects an outbreak of illness in a class or cohort, facilities are required to report to BCPH as soon as possible. BCPH will work with the facility to determine if additional mitigation measures, such as masking or testing, may be required to contain transmission. In lieu of school-based individual case investigation and contact tracing, facilities may implement new cluster or outbreak detection strategies. An example of this is reporting school absenteeism data to BCPH.

Schools may email BCPH any outbreaks, concerns, or questions by emailing General questions can be directed to Emergency notifications about reportable illnesses that require immediate assistance can be made by calling the BCPH Communicable Disease phone number at 303-413-7523 or by using the disease reporting form.

BCPH will continue to provide guidance, answer questions, and facilitate the process of reporting outbreaks for schools.

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